I love streams.

Day 3,242, 18:40 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Are you watching streams? You should be watching streams. I know many of you already are, but much more of you should. It’ll make the eWorld a better place. Also let's use discord instead of IRC. It's just better.

Anyway, here is what you may be missing...

Pfeiffer Radio
Most weekdays at 1800erep

I’m a regular on this show. He refuses to make me the official co-host, but I’m on it more often than not. THIS. SHOW. IS. GREAT. Pfeiffer has been around the game forever and I think a lot of the eUS players forget that he’s been an international figure for years. Hanging out on his stream has introduced me to a ton of new players and opened up my eyes a little when it comes to what eRep is all about. Or rather what it has the potential to be. I wish I would’ve been more exposed to the international community when I played years ago. I would probably be a completely different player.

Earlier today for the CP Election all day stream, we had CP candidates from 5 or 6 different countries just hanging out and being cool. Some of them were from allied nations. Some of them we have gone to battle with very recently. It doesn’t matter though. On the Pfeiffer show, the game really is just a game and we’re all having fun playing it. It’s a really nice change of pace, especially when our domestic races get so nasty.

Clopoyaur TV
Monday to Thursday: 20 CET (1pm Central Time)

Because of the time zones, I’ve only been able to tune into Clopo a few times, but every time I do it is hands-down the most fun I have that day. His show is extremely high energy and full of fun games and giveaways. Clopo’s stream is for eRep, but he somehow fills hours on end (who knew there was so much to talk about in this game?). He is Romanian and his audience is from all over the world, but it’s a mostly English-speaking show.

I had a blast in there today. There were some new friends that I knew from Pfeiffer’s show, but I met a couple new people, as well. Mostly ladies. There are more ladies than you think. ALSO I saw some people from my own party tuning in that I didn’t even know watched beam streams! It was yet another thing to make the whole eRep community feel a little bigger, but much closer.

Basically, my point is, eRep can be a super fun game. I have always said that a certain amount of respect is due to anyone who chooses to invest their time here because this isn’t exactly a game with mass appeal. Whether you like a person or not, you must be able to relate on some level. If you’ve been playing for a long time and it feels like a grind and you’re bubbling over with hate and bitterness for whatever reason, check out some streams. Connect with the rest of the eRep community. It could change your whole outlook. The drama and hysterics just fall away and it turns into a game again. Check out the replays, but being there live is where it’s at. Interacting with the community and all that.

Hope to see you there!