I like your baby boom!

Day 1,054, 09:18 Published in Finland Serbia by DaRkO 206

I must say that this article has nothing against my favourite mobile phone Nokia xD, but here ingame there are some facts I couldn't stand - so let's start.

(click on each of picture to enlarge it)

eFinland's baby boom

But it seems someone organized lot of “cousins” to join him. Hint: take a look of his friend list.

Also, if you go and search these profiles you’ll find 461 same profiles. Wuuut, how much new citizens were born today in eFinland? xD
Unfortunately this is not all, I continued with search for some more and you can now see the result: another 360 bots.

I continued with my investigation, but eRussia was attacked, by eFinland!!

Let me check, online players there:

What more to say after all? Is this game and fight we all enjoy?

Be a man, play it fair !

In the moment of publishing this article, lot of these accounts were banned - well done admins, continue good job.

Please shout:

http://tinyurl.com/392qsnm baby boom in eFinland