I clicked on the vote button and then I Jizzed in My Pants

Day 522, 12:59 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I bet everybody would vote if that happened...
Reasons to vote for me besideds the great one above:
1. I would definitly propose war games be increased, perhaps a round the clock war game. I also believe one could set up a droid player and have it start wars with the US.
2. I would like to investigate other branches of the military, perhaps the Navy or Airforce. I think it is possible.
3. I'm in this game to have fun, let's have fun when we play and not run others down. Start wars carefully and gain strength while conquering country's. Let's build a better military!
I would like to say this is a bit of a joke article so enjoy!
Jizz in My Pants link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4