I am running for congress...LIKE A BOSS

Day 513, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I promise to actually have fun this time,no I mean it.
I say we need to have little hats on our heads when we play Erepublic. In fact that will be the first law I'll push, I can see it now:
Congress passes Little Hats Law.
I think we also need to wear those nametag sticker things like "Hi, my name is" and we can all wear matching shirts...
1. I promise not to be an A-Hole...it'll be hard for me though...
2. I promise not to constantly be serious, I made a bad judgement call when I went after the Texas Funservative...I'm sorry. (can't remember your name, sorry, not being an A-Hole I promise)
3. I will not kiss butt of the president or any high ranking member 🙂 ((
4. I promise not to constanty put out funny or retarded articles, but I can promise they will have some hidden truth...Like an Adam Sandler movie...
Hope you vote me in or you just don't vote at all...have fun and remember this is not a game....