Huey George for CP - eUK economy & taxes

Day 1,776, 09:58 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Further explanation to the economy and tax policy from my manifesto in my previous article

I would investigate options to increase wages, not by increasing the minimum wage however by trying to increase the price of weapons and food.

One way I think we could achieve this is to reduce the amount of weapons and food on the eUK market, production and supply is currently outstripping demand.

One solutions is outlined below

- Increase the import tax on weapons. - This means the weapons used in the eUK is more likely to be from the eUK market and more likely to be produced in the eUK my its companies and citizens.

- Increase import tax on weapons and food raw materials. - This would increase the cost of weapon and food manufacturing causing less weapons and food to be made

- Reduce Income tax to encourage spend, Less to the Government, more to the hard worker.

- Reduce the VAT on weapons and food. Less to the Government, more to the hard worker.

All my proposal would need careful consideration and wide discussion to discover all the implications before and of course support of congress before implementation.

Fundamentally I think we need more government involvement in the economy, it's been over 5 months since anything changes have been made to the tax system of the eUK, over the same period we've seen a massive drop in wages. I know Q7 weapons didn't help however I'm sure the right government can turn things around.

I'd also like to again invite you to consider joining the Workers' Rights Party.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 3rd Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit