Huey George for CP

Day 1,775, 05:38 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

I'd like to launch my campaign for CP of the eUnited Kingdom and ask you to consider my brief policy outlines which will form the foundations of my presidency.

Cabinet and Policy

I’d seek cross party support to quickly form a cabinet of current congress members and other key political figures if I'm elected. I will then work with this cabinet and other members of congress and the eUK political parties to achieve my goals below.

Political Reform

I'd ensure all major political decision are discussed publically via articles and referendums are held to allow the public to have their say – This gives power back to every citizen of the eUK.

I’d keep the existing Ministries of Finance, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Defence. However also establish a Ministry of Communication with the aim of improving in-game communication with a network of citizens publishing government supported articles. - A well informed public is a content public.

Domestic and Home Affairs Policy

I will look to stabilize and increase wages to levels which will better fuel the eUK economy. We need to ensure new citizens have the money to buy weapons and live with freedom. – A fair wage for a hard day’s of work.

We need clear and transparent government spend to justify what taxes are taken. Our current VAT is 10% on Weapons and Food and Income Tax is 5%. As a eUK citizen I know what some of our country’s tax income is spent on, such as alliances however it'd be good to show the "books" so to speak. Lets justify government spend via the media, clear and transparent.

I will investigate options to reduce taxes on food and weapons - The government as servants to the people should always look to reduce what we take from them.

EDIT - An additional amendment to my eUK economy & tax policy can be found here

We need a fairer society, the eUK has a number of different types of citizens.

We have some who burn with a hot heat, by this I mean on the game and the forums daily, endlessly discussing the eUK, a real benefit to the eUK.

Others who burn with a cold heat, by this I mean on the game daily however not on forum as often or at all, however just as important to the eUK with their support, ideas and help they provide eUK and it's citizens.

Finally the solider or daily tasks citizens, those less engaged with the world of eUK politics, who just log on to fight and socialize(sometimes on the forum) or just to develop there character.

A government needs to recognize the needs of all the types of citizens it represents and make sure their views are listen to.

Foreign and Military Polices

Nurture and maintain our alliances and also seek new ones – the eUK is a valuable ally to many countries around the world and in return can count on many allies.

Repeal foreign invaders – the citizens of the eUK deserve a United Kingdom. This can be achieved by creating stronger links with all Military Units and creating a governmental military command structure to allow the eUK's military might to operate at all hours of the day.


I may not be the most experience candidate however I’m a dedicated active and well-informed citizen. I'll work hard and listen to the people, that I will strive to represent and serve well. Ultimately we together will create a fairer society.

So vote Huey George - the alternative candidate.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 3rd Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit