Hallå Sverige, Singapore här! [SWE] [ENG]

Day 733, 16:10 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe

Tjenare Svenskar! Jag har nyligen blivit utnämnd ambassadör från Singapore till Sverige.

Det känns bra att få skriva denna artikel och introducera mig till er.
Några få av er kanske känner igen mig från diverse IRC chatter eller så har du läst min tidning förut. Eller så känner ni mig bara väl sen tidigare.

Jag tror det kommer kännas bra att arbeta med er och att vi kan bygga upp relationerna mellan våra länder.

Men nu ska jag inte snacka på mer, utan göra det som var meningen att jag skulle göra.

Låt mig presentera den Singaporeanska regeringen:

High-Chancellor – Erius
Vice-Chancellor – Arbryn
Defence Advisor – Relorian

Minister of Defence – Mdeusa03
Minister of Foreign Affairs – Relorian
Ambassador to Sol – Kryteshyft

Minister of Internal Affairs – Atracurium and Benjo83
Minister of Information – Filindel
Minister of Advertising – Tuukka_Almighty
Councillor of Justice – Whispering Elizabeth
Minister of Finance - Ledig post
Minister of Fun - Potaatti

Om ni har några frågor, skicka ett PM eller skriv i en kommentar.


Hi Swedes! I've recently been appointed ambassador from Singapore to Sweden.

It feels great writing this article and getting to introduce myself to you.
Some of you may recognize me from an IRC chat or you've read my paper before.
Or perhaps you just know me as a friend from earlier.

I think it'll feel great working with you and I hope we can build up the relation between our countries.

Well, I'm not going to chat on with you, but doing what I was suppose to do.

Let me introduce the Singaporean government:

High-Chancellor – Erius
Vice-Chancellor – Arbryn
Defence Advisor – Relorian

Minister of Defence – Mdeusa03
Minister of Foreign Affairs – Relorian
Ambassador to Sol – Kryteshyft

Minister of Internal Affairs – Atracurium and Benjo83
Minister of Information – Filindel
Minister of Advertising – Tuukka_Almighty
Councillor of Justice – Whispering Elizabeth
Minister of Finance - Currently Available
Minister of Fun - Potaatti

If you've got any questions, send me a PM or write it down in the comment section.


Jag är Singapores ambassadör och jag godkänner detta meddelande.
I'm the Singaporean ambassador and I approve this message.


The song of this article:
Du gamla, Du fria


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover