Guidelines for young and old players

Day 831, 18:44 Published in USA Greece by Myrfalas

This guide is ment for everyone but especially for those among us that can make a difference.

1. Keep your wellness to 100
Always keep your wellness to 100, especially since the last update of the game. Hospitals now heal only the wellness you've lost in a battle and no more than 50. Which means that if you have 60 wellness and you fight once and then heal, you will gain 10 wellness only.

2. Careful with the company quality
The quality of a company equals to the amount of wellness you'll lose every time you work. So check again when you are in search of a job. Sometimes the wage of a quality 5 company is actually a deficit and not a profit. As for new player, always work on quality 1 or 2 companies and no more, or else your wellness will get very low in a matter of days and you won't have the funds to raise it again.

3. Fight 6 times per day
Gifts can be given not only to ladies. Gifts is a really cheap way of getting an extra 10 wellness and fight one more time. You fight 5 times, heal to 100 again and then fight once more. Then you offer to your self 10 gifts through a friend or an org. This will grant you 2 more experience and more damage at a very low cost compared to buying weapons of higher quality and fight 5 times.

4. Napoleon Training
Do not do it. Keep your wellness to 100. Then gather golds to buy a house. Then fight with as many weapons as you can every time. Then buy gifts to fight 1 more time with a weapon. If you do all this every day and you still can afford Napoleon do it to help your country with your extra damage.

I will publish more guides like this in the future especially since the admins promised an update to the game every friday as we are heading towards v2.


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