Grianne and Malbekh the fairy tale ends

Day 2,114, 12:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Mt Clair flats Dublin, grianne is standing by the window holding a red rose in her hands fondling its leaves. Malbekh she whispers.

Yes Grianne he grovels almost being overcome with emotion. He holds in his tears as this is the last time he will say goodbye to his love.

Why are you leaving again Malbekh. I just cant stand the optical ejections from the top of the electrically active core regions of thunderstorms that are red in color that seem to occur after tendrils of vigorous sprites extend downward toward the cloud tops.

But you are a twice winner of the like a douche competition Malbekh shouldnt you concentrate on your looks. i would he slowly say I would but he twists all my words . What do you mean she says as she look out at clouds from her window. Malbekh: now i suddenly have his balls in my parties name. Just because I mentioned Kurgan and balls in the same sentence. She internally giggles and try to suppress her laughter and then ask but why did you mention his balls. I mean he probably has all kinds of balls, cricket balls soccer balls , rugby balls, gholf balls. You could not win that argument.

I know but since you cheated me with him. I didnt cheat you Malbekh its just that your salami have no meat or body to it. Whilst his is enormous. And it contains just enough meat and fat to make it the most delicious salami i have ever eaten. But he never wants to share his recipe with me Grianne never all he ever says when i ask him is love. He even perverts the meat he sells.

Grianne thinks about kurgans salami stand and how she went there each night and later snuck in the back to steal his salamis. How Kurgan once caught her red handed and punished her by feeding her 6 big salamis. And then refused her anymore salamis.

Malbekh did you bring daghda's toilet seat cover. yes it was a prize i won from krakken. poor dahgda it seems he will be stationed in Greece for another 5 year. Mens or womans side. The mens she say I always have to sneak in when I visit him.

And how much shit do they give him. It seems plenty Malbekh especially if its holiday season.

So they won Malbekh she says and starts crying. Malbekh consoles her and then start crying himself. Can I ask you a last thing Malbekh Grainne sobs. yes yes he thinks ****finally****.. can i have all of your gold Malbekh? I stole it myself Grainne but guess i wont be needing it where I am going. Where is that Malbekh. Well a vacancy opened right next to daghda seems a greek toilet couldnt take dahgdas stink anymore.