Greetings from eBulgaria!

Day 1,042, 00:38 Published in Turkey Bulgaria by J Grey

Hello eTurkey! My name is J Grey and I am the eBulgarian Ambassador in eTurkey.
First of all I would like to congratulate all the 5 parties that have sent their members in the new Congress, and especially the two parties with best results – Turkuaz Hareket and Solidarist Korporatist Party.
I wish you to have a fruitful work in the Congress and to take wise decisions there!

In the new eBulgarian Congress the situation is very similar to the one from the previous months, which is a guarantee for continuity in our policy.

In the meantime Phoenix have won an epic victory in Liaoning and we all hope that it will be just the beginning of a new glory.
We are very proud of the contribution of eBulgaria to this victory. We are at 3-rd place in the damage made by all the defending countries, which is an awsome result. Moreover it comes only few weeks after we have lost our high region in BiH and many people have questioned our devotion to Phoenix.

eBulgaria have proved once again that we are true and devoted allies and a real force in the eWorld as well!

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the relations of our coutries you can contact me anytime.

Hail eBulgaria!
Hail eTurkey!
Hail Phoenix!

J Grey
Ambassador of eBulgaria