Gov transparancy - 5 days later

Day 1,149, 20:30 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Its been 5 days since my last article, so it’s about time for another article.
Some good and some bad things have happened so will get the ball rolling with some of the bad.

Education and PR,(SC)
Goose step has gone AWOL the last 5 days and his deputy scotitan is in Toowomba and struggling to 2 click. Michael windsor has taken over the reigns and has already messaged eCitizens who are in Vic, WA and SA about getting back to eAus regions and will start to release education articles when he can.
Ronnyjnrjnr has taken up the slack unofficially of messaging our new citizens and I thank him for that.
We have a few charities starting up to help our new citizens and those that fall on unfortunate times.

Aussiecare- run by callumh123

The eFoodbank – run by ronnyjnrjnr

If anyone would like to join the Education team please message me as they are now short of staff.
Lord ferrum has joined the team as deputy
steyvesant has joined the team as intern


The government owned companies are being focused solely on producing weapons to meet stockpile requirements of Q5 (500) and Q3 (250). All other stock is being sold and the funds will be used to help fund general expenses within the budget such as daily supplies for our army and wages to the GFC stockpile company's.

Defense(Aussie Bloke)

We set up the military budget for the term. We have kept up a daily orders, and will begin a recruitment drive for ADF soldiers. We have also started putting Majesters new military reform into practice. I have also spoken to several EDEN MoDs.

Immigration(super christopher)

After interviewing and looking at backgrounds we have 3 new citizens.

Foreign affairs(Larni and Henry the 8th)

Opened the Aus MoFA room, spoken to a few CP's and MoFA's and basically in a holding pattern. Spoken to our neighbours about alliances, regions and resources.
There is movement regarding NZ and its in senate now.

Contacted all 65 countries and gave them a list of our entire cabinet and asked for theirs, so far have received 37 replies with cabinet details.


nothing >.>
Nah, just set the budget up for senate to approve.
That is really it.
It took a few days and plenty of discussion to get this budget to senate and will no doubt take a few days to get through senate.

Senate Report(Banzai)

A fair amount has gone on in the Senate recently. Amendments to the eAustralian Taxation Act have been made, and the minimum wage has been officially legislated for the first time in the eAustralian Minimum Wage Act (01/11). The Budget is currently before Senate, as is a proposed amendment to the Senate Code of Conduct Act, and sanctions have been proposed against former Prime Minister Bowen Eley. There was also an abortive impeachment proposal against the Speaker, Banzai3141.

Other news.

day 1150 will be an interesting day as GM's will be able to work in all their companies on the same day.
This has already had an affect on our MM as a lot of gold has been bought to purchase company's.
Productivity will obviously rise and we will be monitoring the situation closely.

Transparency in government.

We have started negotiations with NZ regarding a land swap deal.
It would involve swapping Tasmania(Cattle) to a NZ iron region(Otago or canterbury)
We have 2 cattle regions at present NSW and Tas and this swap would boost our basic productivity of Iron by 30% and manu by 5%. we would lose no productivity in the deal.
All negotiations are in senate as I type and we just have to await senate approval in respect to the native title bill to move forward as well as the costing of performing the swap which is apart of the budget.

Indonesian affairs are cordial atm and no further talks are imminent on this front as land swaps and rent are of the table on the Indo front, if things progress a native title bill will again have to be sought to continue any discussion.

Panam alliance is also on hold due to the alliance not thinking we are a suitable country due to infighting and ATO, even though the ATO was from another country in discussions with them. Again due to native title bill we are now hampered as we can't openly discuss with Indo and Panam about our regions without senate approval.

EDEN alliance
After a few early morning meetings things have settled on this front and we are still sending our forces to help where we can, orders are issued frequently via the ADF news articlesss

I have kept out of the IG investigation into the previous administrations dealings as I want to focus on the present and the future of eAustralia to make us a player again on the world stage.

In closing please remember that recently we lost everything, all company's, party's and lots of money, we are starting from scratch to rebuild this country and any decisions made are for the benefit of the country with economics, military and the social implications in the forefront of our minds.

Best wishes to our people in the flood and bushfire regions, stay safe guys.


sir_c0nstant OA
CP eAustralia