Germany/Uk relationship , results!

Day 1,363, 12:30 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

Hi euk!

First thanks for your votes and your answers.

Here we go with the graphs :

So basically we can see that

- We like them more than they like us
- We don't really care about the mpp with ireland.They care A LOT about the one with slovakia

Let me quote two comments that probably sum up what most of the uk citizens think :

" German eUk relations are a thing of the past. Germany moved on and sided with the USA against us knowing our relations with Ireland in my opinion.

We chose Ireland over Terra and wouldn't be pushed about by the USA on the matter. The only way to have Ireland is with a pro one stance. Otherwise we'll literally have no allies. We must work to further and improve our relationship with Poland

"its a shame that we chose ONE over strasbourg i still fight for both france and germany in resistance wars and im pretty much permanently in poland because of it

And also please vote the german article!

Thanks again and please comment to let me know what country I should do next. I was thinking of turkey , ireland or poland.