From the desk of chairman Krakken*

Day 2,139, 00:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

The life of riley

As one of the most popular players in eIreland i want to thank everyone that voted for me.

I know you had your difficulties accepting that a Sea monster may soon be your leader.

Some of you even complained about being bullied.

Some even quit or turned their avatar black - Yes we are the LEGENDS that killed both Death and Taxes

This means no eIrish citizen will die from this day forward and as well we will be reimbursed by Appleman for every tax cent we spend

So its time to celebrate:

Videos by other fans of mine

And if you thought what was the other GREAT song of this band..



1. Chairman Krakken is a legendary sea monster released on the populous of eIreland and voted one of their most popular player chairman Krakken as proud member of the clerics endeavours every day to safe their poor wretched souls by subjecting thier[MANGO 😠] puny minds to superior thought bubbles.

2. Mango * Mango is chairman krakken's trained monkey that types all of chairman Krakken's articles. It is not because Mango cant spell that he sometimes makes typing errors its because he gets so carried away by the pure and sublime message contained in Krakken writings that he types too fast and do wrong word associations or makes the occasional spelling error.

Chairman Krakken often scold Mango for being a "Bad Monkey bad spelling takes attention away from the message" but ultimately blames eRep for not creatzings a spell checker : damn lazy bastards
