France-UK survey : results

Day 1,359, 03:07 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

Hey uk !

8 days ago I wrote this article asking you to answer some questions about France.At the same time, Nicolas Bonaparte did the same in France asking the French to answer some questions about us.

Finally we have our results.I first want to thanks all the people who answer those surveys!

I won’t give you my analysis because it’s biased and more important it’s a lot of work and I’m lazy. Instead I asked two players with two different opinions about France, Uk's finest and kravenn.

But before starting those analyses I would like to make two points.

1) It’s really stupid and useless to flood the survey with fake answers. I mean come on I’m sure ( I hope …) you have better to do with your life.

2) I want to do the same kind of article with Germany so I’m looking for a German journalist but also to people to analyze the answers.

So we can start by first Introducing my two “experts” and the best way to do it is just asking them:


My name is Kravenn, I play at erepublik since more than 2 years.
When I began to play at Erepublik, I was in UNL (Union between Belgium and Netherlands), but after some months, I had the feeling that there was no long-term plan there.

At that time, there were some talks about a big merge between UK and UNL, so I left for eUK.

On December 2009, I joined eUK, and few days later, I received UK citizenship.
In eUK, I found a real community, real friendship, … , a good place to continue my eLife.

So, I am a long time TUP member (and congress member) and an active soldier on our elite forces.

Uk’s finest

I've played at erepublik for over 2 years. After serveral months of playing I ran for congress had I had a string of very successful campaigns breaking the record for most votes in a congress election several times. To this date I still have the highest amount of votes of any eUK congressmember. I spent much time learning the political side of this game and after learning so much realised that it was not all it first appears.

I decided to stop getting elected to congress and follow a military path. I joining the UK Speical Forces are remained with UKSF through many changes and re-formations.

Real life ment I didn't have time for erepublik and I died. When I was reborn I found many, many friends dead and the game had changed a lot. I didn't join a party and I didn't join a military group. Eventually I joined 1st Armoured Division and this blew my eMind. 1st Armoured Division ceased to exist and I entered the eWilderness. I re-emerged from the eWilderness and I made 7th Armoured Division which I still help lead today.
So let’s now start with the first answers :


I know that I will not make new french friends but “I will fight against them if I receive orders to do it”. For the moment, I am not yet “I Hate eFrance”

Why ?
eFrance choose Terra (and by the same way : Eden). We can fight indirectly on the battlefield (like Macedonia vs Greece): I have no problem with that but when you caught some French hitting directly against eUK (UK vs Canada and UK vs Ireland). I have more problems especially when they move to another country to do it.

On the french side :
- 30% hates eUK and you can add 12% who can fight against eUK : so it would say that more than 40% can hit against us
- 5% can “die” for eUK, and 27% said that our countries choose different ways : we will fight for you. It would say that almost 33% are ready to fight for eUK
- 27% are neutral

On UK Side :
- 41% could “die” for eFrance
- 14% hates eFrance and 18% could fight against eFrance if they receive orders to do it.
- 27% are neutral

What can be say with that ?
Results are very different :
eFrance has a lot of Eden and Terra’s MPP, eUK never said “It’s bad, …” but when we say that we will sign MPP with Poland and Hungary but only to fight against Eden and not against eFrance : It was a Scandal.
eUK still considers eFrance like a friend but eFrance considers eUK as an enemy that we try to spare.

Uk’s finest

As a UK citizen I think it is interesting that the UK citizens surveyed care more about France than the French surveyed care about the UK. I answered I would die for eFrance, and I would. France have been a good ally to the UK and I treat France as such.


My answer : YES, because I know that relations are not very good. We have a great friendship, It would be stupid to end it because France is under Eden’s influence.

On French side :
- 55% thought that we need to improve relations between the 2 countries
- 36% thought that it’s not a good idea to improve relations
- 9% have no opinion

On Uk side
- 68% thought that we need to improve relations
- 32% thought the opposite

Whatever the country : French and UK populations want better relations with the other country. It will be one of the task for the 2 MoFA. It will not be specially easy because eUK is Pro-ONE and eFrance is in Terra

Uk’s finest

It is good that the majority of both UK and France players surveyed what to see more co-operation with each other. The UK CP wants to see Strasbourg continued (as a NAP) and I think upon this the two nations should work at building if both truly want to improve on the current relationship.


My answer : YES, I know that the treaty changed since its creation, but it still exists. Portugal was added, the treaty was amended to a Non aggression pact, but it remains a NAP, and it’s better than nothing

On French side :
51% think that the treaty means nothing
35% think that it’s still usefull to have a NAP
14% have no opinion (or have no idea what is the strasbourg treaty)
On UK side
58% think that the treaty still mean something
42% think the opposite

Results are (once again) different for the 2 countries, maybe from France : a NAP means nothing ? when on UK side, we think the opposite.

The poll is very interesting : I know that relations between the 2 countries are not very good, but in eUK, we still consider eFrance like a friend, when on French side : it looks like that there is no problem to break the “special relationship”. Maybe it’s because eFrance is closer than Eden than we though or only because French President prefers to good cooperation with Eden countries than a long-term friendship with eUK (I remember when he asked opinion about a MPP with Ireland).
I know that it is not easy to go on different ways and stay friends. I really hope that current CPs and MoFAs (on both sides) will try to fix the problem. If it’s not the case, I wouldn’t be surprised if a side (more France than UK) launches a NE proposal to the other one in 2011

Uk’s finest

Strasbourg still means something. Its just what it means. The original Strasbourg treaty details where never widely publicised in the UK so many don’t know what the original agreement truly was. But in the UK, France is considered a Friend and the friendship is shown through the continuation of Strasbourg (a NAP), the fighting for France on the battlefield (as the UK MPPs with Poland and Hungary where made to help in N.America and elsewhere, not in France and Germany), via personal friendships, shouts and general support. For example if France was under a PTO threat I am confident there would be help for France from the UK.

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