Foreign Legion Green Berets is recruting

Day 1,419, 11:18 Published in USA Republic of Moldova by GringoLBV

Foreign Legion Green Berets has the pleasure to open its gates to everyone that wants to become a soldier. No matter the nationality in our military unit you will be treated with the upmost respect and become a part of our family.

Our rules are very simple:

- wear the uniform with pride
- work in our companies, for your hard work you will receive 6Q5 weapons / day except on Sundays when it is stock day and 4 more at the present daily.
- respect your colleagues no matter the rank, strength, nationality or religion
- fight at your commander’s orders or those of the mod or vmod
- do not attack your colleagues in public, any problems will be solved by commanders in the unit’s chat

We will fight alongside other military units, countries or groups at the orders of Romanian and EDEN. We do not keep you by force, but those willing to join our family are welcomed!

Do not forget our motto:



Your future commanders,

Alzena and M Bogdan