First Day without Wilpanzer1 in MoDA

Day 1,464, 20:42 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

First Day without Wilpanzer1

MoDA our prestigious well oiled machine is going to be put to the test. It is not nice having someone leave us, expectially someone as influential as Wilpanzer, but we don’t want him to burn out rather let him step into the shadows for a moment and recuperate. I believe he will be back a lot sooner than we think. Stay well my friend.

Carrying on there has been a lot of buzz around the offices as our people ready themselves for upcoming events.

Firstly the announcement of my new deputy of MoDA, shall be no other than SamGibz. Just take a look at all he has done in the past so experience is not lacking, Also with his New Player Program places in the perfect position to assist in the running of MoDA – so well done SamGibz.

Upcoming things from the MoDA

Community awards with DonVin, as director of culture Don has been tiresly working on this project but wait it is coming soon…

Two new interns are joining the MoDA in the form of Samuel Mello who will be assisting myself and SamGibz in new player retention. A huge focus of the MoDA, we also have a list of all new players aswell as their links and this data is available to anyone just ask me, and I will hand it to you. Naomie Mwewa will also be joining as an intern and will be assisting DonVin in culture and also be assisting with the mentor program.

Our director of education has had a bad week with internet failure (RL SA rulez), but has let me know he will be back from Friday. He has one or two things up his sleeve, so watch out for that.

The Hot Seat will be happening again on Friday, we have been getting rave reviews on this project. So join us on Friday in the forums and learn something about someone.

The NPP will be starting as soon as congress votes it in. Everyone seems excited by the starting of this great project. It will not only be a helping hand for new players but a way for government to build infrastructure in this nation of ours. Looking forward to it.

We are still looking for more people to help in this part of our nation. The MoDA is always in need of people and the position of Director of Information is available. If you are interested kindly contact me in game or on the forums.

To our prestigious well oiled machine one more week has passed and we look to the next.

Minister of Domestic Affairs.
The One who keeps the Naartjies.