Final report from (former) NZ president DaRkO 206 :)

Day 1,446, 17:39 Published in New Zealand Serbia by DaRkO 206

Edit:Congrats on your record! It has been published here:

Kia ora fellow eKiwis.

I’m writing my last report as NZ president elected in October 2011. Long and difficult period is behind me and I must say I’m satisfied with way it been organized concerning our eSociety. So let’s make it easy and give few word sabout it because my driver is waiting. 😉

As I have mentioned in my first briefing, my goal was to make eNZ more interesting and pleasant place to live. I think that with help of all eKiwis we made it. Almost all month there were (training) battles, but let’s leave it for another part of report. Lot of people have recently applied and/or asked for our citizenship. I tried to answer all and explain hard situation we are in (only 1 cs can be approved by congressman). So, enjoy your time here if you have true reason for it. 🙂

During the whole my CP period I was talking about battles with Aussies. It used to be TW and still is if you ask me. We’re not enemies, just good NE partners. This is game and we have to be in different alliances but IRL it would be another thing. Thanks to Timeoin and some more gentle people from his cabinet for cooperation.

There are more our friends here, also called allies.
I tried to cooperate with all of them and our citizens helped as much as we can in important battles for them. But, I have to mention some ecountries separately. eSerbia: as you probably know, me and most of eKiwis come from there In Real Life. I want to congratulate and thanks all eSerbs who answered when help was needed, despite they’re on in eSrb or eNZ. Further, Slovenia as second nation by number in our eCommunity. Tnx mates, for all your efford. I hope Ulti wont bother but I want to say thanks all Kiwis IRL especially Ronell (mortalbeta) for chance and support I got from her. Thank you all mates. \o/

And thanks to eIndo community for all effort they made for eNZ. As always, I had great communicate with all of you ppl but special thanks to Pigee who gave me great idea.
He asked for NZ citizenship after end of his CP period. So I decided to do the same, and enjoy his country during post-president elections. \m/.
I’m sure that Kiwis would be great hosts. And don’t worry I’ll watch over my NZ from Indo. 🙂

On the end, thanks for all who supported me, it was my pleasure. Also, I’m sure Helen would be great NZ president. I waited for some time during elections and now it’s definitely sure she rocked it. Kiwis, enjoy being in female hands again, I’m sure you’re sick of me after mortalbeta. 😛. I’m joking, take care. o/

Have a nice time on eNew Zealand.

You can contact me any time if you have some questions by click on picture bellow.