FG4PP - 4 more weeks!

Day 3,215, 19:19 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

This last month has made me extremely p/h. People keep saying this game is dead and nobody wants to do anything, but I set out some very ambitious goals for the party and we hit every single one of them. We even had a few curveballs thrown our way and we dealt with it all like old pros.

Let’s just take a look at some highlights from this term-

Party membership: Up! Not by a lot, but still some gains during a time when global headcount is dropping precipitously. With so few new players joining eRepublik, I am very excited to see that so many of them are coming over to the Feds. I’m even more excited to see that they are joining us not just because we are number one, but because we are actively pursuing them and helping them get plugged into the game. That’s how it should be.

Activity: WAY UP! We’ve had steadily increasing turnout for all votes and general posting on the forum is up significantly over previous months. There is also conversation happening in our IRC on a regular basis and our shout feed is being used.

Power: Well, we have a CP and that’s pretty boss. His cabinet has a lot of Feds in it. We have only a slight majority in Congress, but our reps are well-respected. Feds are representing well nationally and serving as advisors in different capacities throughout the game. We also have XLYMPIC medalists on our team. That might be the most important measure of power, actually.


Top 5- all day, erry day: Hit this goal. We’ve had at least 1 Fed-related article in the Top 5 every single day of this term (sometimes 3 or 4 at once). Many of them were from me and my lovely Media Director, Mama Lunete, but we have also seen a nice increase in output from all over the party. I absolutely LOVE all of the articles I’ve been reading from you guys and the pride you take in your papers. Some of you are really finding your voice in this game after years of playing. It’s time. People need to hear you.

Restructure new player/member areas to be more user friendly: Did this. Well, off to a good start anyway. This party has always been really good about putting together resources for new players. We’re not so good about updating them and archiving them when they are no longer relevant. But we got pretty much everything cleared out and have started putting together simpler materials to help new players and party members hit the ground running. We’ve also put together some really convenient resources on our forum for ALL members and even our visitors.

Secure elections (surprise goal for the month): There are always accusations about corruption and election rigging when there is huge turnout and a close race. While there is exactly ZERO evidence to support these allegations, it’s hard to shut down a witch hunt when power players have worked themselves up into a lather. While they were having their meltdowns, I got to work with our FBI Director and Political Director to come up with a new strategy to make sure our primary elections are as secure as possible, while also allowing for maximum freedom on the forum. These changes will be good for party activity and also instill, hopefully, an even greater confidence that the only way to swing an election in the Federalist Party is to campaign your ass off.

All the other things: What you see above were just my personal goals for the term, as PP. There were a lot of moving parts to make it happen, not the least of which is good leadership in the different departments. I trust the people I work with to take ownership of their departments, and they all did it. Every department that we staffed brought to the table a new idea or a new angle and then they executed it. There are maybe only one or two instances of someone saying they would do something and then not doing it, but none of it was mission-critical.

Huge props to Kody5., Crimsonninja, Paul Proteus, shadowber, Mama Lunete and Gabrielz_Horn for being all-stars in leadership. If I start naming everyone that has contributed to the big improvements in the party, I will go on all day, but those 6 people specifically made major contributions in one way or another and if any one of them hadn’t been here, we would not have been as successful. They are Fed bros of the highest order.

This has been a very good month for us, but my long-term plans for total Fed domination are only getting started. I have been nominated for another term as Party President and I have eagerly accepted. I want to build on our progress from this last month and continue refining our game and expanding our power base. I have been very encouraged by some new members we have acquired recently who really hit the ground running. I think their activity and willingness to jump into the fray speaks to how well we have done recently, as a party, in equipping and empowering all of our members to get active and make a difference in this game.

I have also been very encouraged by the zeal of our returning Feds. For many of us, last time we played this game, there was still a glass ceiling, of sorts. We could only climb so high. Thanks to the hard work of the Feds who led the party while we were away, that glass ceiling isn’t there anymore. We can do literally anything, and the excitement at the possibilities is palpable. The energy returning players are bringing to our party is insane, and it’s making such a positive culture for our new people, as well.

I would appreciate your vote for PP. I think we’ve done some great things together in a very short amount of time and I know we can do so much more with another term. I’ve laid a lot of groundwork and set some things in motion and I would really like to be in the driver’s seat to see it through.

FG4PP - 4 more weeks of domination!

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