
Day 1,011, 15:44 Published in Japan New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(Yesterday's Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/legislatures-and-ptos-jpn-1--1499653/1/20)

Correction: I mistakingly gave the same reason for the Denmark PTO as Malaysia. The truth is that they wish to have Serbia swap through and take Malaysia's High Regions. Forgive me for my mistake. Still, the point of the paragraph will not be retracted.

Day 1011 of the New World

Harbin, Heilongjiang, China


Recently, I have been slightly dissatisfied with my articles. While Japan and China have given me something to think about when they comment, whether it's good or bad, I get few comments from the Peninsula. Thank you those who do comment, but praise is not what I seek when I write. I desire comments more than I do votes. This does not mean that you stop voting or suscribing, but comments are how I know your opinions of the news that you are reading. In response, I have decided to add a new section to the paper where I respond to what you have spoken of.

Whoever comments with anything more than praise will receive an answer directly on the next edition(exceptions being the editorials, where the comments from the week before will be posted instead).


All praise: Thank you.

Shinybluepope: I don't, and I know it would, but that is not East Asia. The East Asia Daily is as the name implies: a daily for the peoples of the region, whether they are English-speakers, Chinese-speakers, or Korean-speakers. The USA, while they hold regions here, do not originate here.

KITA Ikki: Thank you for your praise, and now to answer your questions. The fact that they were suspected/confirmed is why I did not. There were already lists in Japan, and Alfred Ball consistently shifted them. Since this takes quite a long time to write, I did not want to add an unnecessary burden to the paper. There is so much to write in so little time.

Your lack of a distinction was due more to the fact it was unconfirmed. Only one candidate was truly confirmed as PTO and he was the one I mentioned in my responce to the list.

It is difficult to live under those conditions. A RL equivilent could be a government-in-exile during the RL Second Great War. The PTO countries are essentially conquered nations. Some governments choose to leave the nation(I am reminded of Japanese history when Coreans immigrated in droves after the Russian conquest), some choose to remain and fight. Fight or Flight.

Truth in your words, and has been confirmed on multiple occasions for many PTOs. The truth is that Indonesia no longer requires Multis to maintain their grip. The slow responce of Admins have done more harm than good.


That is actually true. That could be explained through the cultural differences of the alliances more than anything else. That is to be explained another time.

Thank you for your comments! I am interested in hearing your opinions of today's article.




PTO Diet Member YassinMoutaouakil has proposed to transfer 20000 Yen(JPY) from the country accounts to the National Bank of Japan. While this sounds legitimate, the Nattional Bank of Japan is not the legitimate central bank.

http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3847803 False bank
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/70311 True bank

Notice that the main indicator is that the true bank is older than the false one. As of this writing, the PTOers failed 21-12, tricking 5 new members of the Diet.


Observe that the PTOers have been approved by the likes of Thinh Ngyen and Koppanyi Ferenc. Japan is now under serious threat of PTO. If my last article is any indication, this will likely by the New Version instead of the old if it succeeds.

On lighter note, the Obon Festival continues in Japan.


We begin with Elignis Jinn, who has opened his own newspaper known as Voice of Justice, speaking of a political crisis in Korea. Carlos Bianchi has proposed yet another impeachment and the transfer of 20.72 GOLD to Fundacao Celio Azevado(Celio Azevado Foundation). The levels of hatred for this man have now risen to the levels of Ajay Bruno in every country he went/goes. Wladmir Rascian's paper, The Sanctuary describes Bianchi as an IZROD, a Slav term meaning he who was born wrong.

On a much better note, a more personal initiative from brand new Congresswoman leiwahara named BRAND NEW EYES will be begun. It's processes are thus:

BRAND NEW EYES is a creation of mine that I hope to utilize in the follow ways:

- Sending personalized messages to each new citizen apart from the standard greeting.

- Encouraging new citizens to introduce themselves in as little as a sentence or as much as a paragraph or two, which I will then publish in the BRAND NEW EYES news publication, so that our newest members do not have to struggle through 11 levels of uninteresting "point-and-clicking" in order to found a newspaper. They may publish through BRAND NEW EYES for as long as they wish, even after passing the level 11 requirement for establishing a news paper.

- Working with the Ministry of Health to provide new citizens with food provisions and health supplies.

- Encouraging new and active citizens who are interested in running for Congress and other political positions by providing them with exposure to the community from the very beginning.

We at the East Asia Daily wish her the best of luck in her government role.

The Korean Ministry of Health has begun the final part of the food drive began many days ago. This section will end on Day 1018.

The highest rated article in Korea was published by The Tsuhima Times yesterday as Alfagrem has proposed a minimum wage increase from .1 KRW to .15 KRW.



Free Drago borders for everyone.

More seriously, Shauny B, who has risen as a leader in the English-speaking community, has announced his run for President. His manifesto proposes the following:

-Military forces
-Establishing a Department of Immigration to bring more citizens to Corea
-Return of original regions
-Ending the Chinese and Japanese wars(as of this writing, the Diet has already begun voting on this proposal)
-Establishment of government organisations
-Raising of Import Taxes on Manufactured Goods

Michael Francis has extended an invitation for all citizens to join the forums. For all countries needing to send ambassadors or are curious, here is the website:



Kingdom of Thailand has essentially given its support for the Liaoning assault. CHaurora, Thai citizen IG but Chinese citizen RL, My Chinese is not good enough to completely understand some of the article's words, but CHaurora is assisting in ATO efforts in Thailand. He will return once the Liaoning battle begins.

YaHoo.CN speaks about earlier battles that have since ended in Russia. Now Russia is again attacking Alaska attempting to penetrate onto the mainland. Also, battles from the Northern War are included.

Big X Thinking has written more recent articles. The Glum Midnight Party describes the uprisings the Phoenix began in East Siberia. Tactics used in the Far East Russia resistance are being repeated for this resistance. For Chinese, Xenon Ng is the best resource for foreign news beyond our region.

To end the China section, President wangxiaoyall has requested the hiring of new commanders for CNDA. The wage is 50 Yuan(CNY).


South Africa

A successful PTO has taken root in South Africa. An earlier Brasilian attack on Northern Cape and its capture was a staged performance so Magyar PTOers could take control of the country. They assisted in the defence of the nation to trick the not as knowledgable players to vote for them. This explains why they were so victorious in the elections.


Ong Koh, the percieved candidate of a PTO Group, has given 4.74 GOLD to the Central Bank. That is a non-PTO action, and should be considered a peace offering. This event shows that not all new players are PTO threats, and one must be certain before accusations are made. I placed Singapore under the PTO watch yesterday because of the warnings. Unless he betrays them, then Singapore is not under PTO threat.

Thank you. Please vote, suscribe and comment on this article.

Marcos Arolia