Excitement, Expensive Excitement(COR)

Day 1,005, 16:36 Published in North Korea New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(If you have not read yesterday's article, here is the link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/robots-and-the-orient-cor-free-chinese-to-english-translations-on-request-1493811/1/20)

Day 1005 of the New World

Harbin, Heilongjiang, China


Today, the American march west continues after a successful defence of the Russian counter-attack in East Siberia. With that, the focus is now on WSR(West Siberia) for control of the entire Siberia. As of this writing, the battle will end in less than 4 hours with Russia in command. However, events can change as the time-zone advantage belongs to America and most of its allies.

The Corean assault on Far East Russia has proven to be more than simple blocking, but a plan to give China High Titanium and Stone. As America advances, Corea will attack and claim the region. China will follow behind the Coreans and take the region.

China National Defence Army/SMART/People's Liberation Army/HKGolden Forces

Ministry of SinoDefence has been active today ordering both defence and offence in both sections of Siberia.

Japanese Imperial Army

There are no orders.

South Korean Guard

They are ordered to defend Western Siberia. Also, Minister of Defence Arjay Pheonician has released the performance of Korea on the battlefield of the Eastern Front. A new website has succeeded Zhunder for V2. Maxihellas is its name and the site is below.




Today's news is quite small and mostly complaining of the game.

Three-time member of the Diet Nowe(or was he a member of Malaysia's Congress once, I don't remember) has asked for ideas on new games because this one has yet to die in Greatest General article dudes. Corean citizen Erumaron has written a short poem written quite simply as thus:




Japanese public opinion is almost unanimous in its beauty.


Other than Mr. Pheonician's work as MoD, there is one more article of note. Young citizen and RL Korean Elignis Jinn has written a pledge to bring more 'activity' in its lazy Congress. This weakness has created a government dominated by its executive officers led by the President.


Alexander Hamilton, American Press Director of The Hamilton Papers has congratulated Corea for capturing Far East Russia from the Americans....

In more serious and completely not ridiculous news, Czech ambassador to Corea Checkeredflag120 has made an article saying hello. Checkerflag120 comes from a country where there are 'difficulties' between Communists and non-Communists. We at the East Asia Daily hope that those issues can be resolved without any foreign difficulties interfering.


CHaurora of Kingdom of Thailand speaks of the honor he feels fighting with all of the forces of eC. Chinese soldiers have become ferocious warriors on the field of battle. He thanks all Chinese forces and other comrades for their contributions.

HiNx has opened a new paper known as Shout something. We at the East Asia Daily wish him luck in his endeavours.

In military manuevers outside of the Northern War, Poland has moved into Anhui today.


The Northern War (Western Front)

Southwest England was conquered by Canada today. A French front was also opened as they attacked Lower Normandy. As of this writing, France has retreated and counter-attacked. Also the East Midlands were recaptured by Canada, but UK has attacked that region. North-West England also was recaptured by British troops.

Thank you

Marcos Arolia