eTurkiye - Think of... IT!

Day 676, 13:06 Published in Turkey Greece by Metallium
It was a shiny morning...

I went out to see the sun shining and it was the first time I noticed IT.

Yes, IT existed... Although till then I couldn't think of IT, IT was actually out there waiting for me to notice IT.

And to be honest... I believe YOU should notice IT too.

Think of yourself waking up and going out to enjoy the sun! Can you notice IT?
Of course you can, why am I asking? You can, but you don't want to notice IT or THEY don't allow you to notice IT.

It is really sad... that we all know it but never thought of IT.


You can't get a grip of what I'm actually saying. Of course, maybe I wouldn't too. But still... I want you to notice IT... You SHOULD do it!

What?! Hell no... I am not here to do propaganda for anyone or anything
…or not?

Well, maybe I am doing propaganda... for the "HUMAN", yes I think it is called "HUMAN", although we forgot it. Yes, "HUMAN", say it... "HUMAN"... say it in your language too... and don't just say it, FEEL it!

I am the "HUMAN" propagandist who want to inspire you about IT!

!@#$, again IT... And I am really trying to write it without bold and CAPS... but hell no, my mind doesn't allow me to do so.

IT is the fact that we share the same sun, the same sunshines, the same air, the same planet...

We live together, but we want to fight each other!

You saw some real life Greeks as candidates at your parties... and BOOM!


The possibility of cooperation ad friendship is not in (y)our mind…
Really, really sad thing.

And… YES, there are people that are real life foreigners and are congress candidates at your country... THIS - IS - NOT - THE - END - OF - THE -WORLD -

You could have spoken to me, to see who I am, what I am doing, why I am here.

And that is because extremists can't do a normal conversation.

On the other hand, I am glad to see there are people who support the cooperation, yeah!
Thank you!

I must admit that I don't know all the citizens that you have pointed as GREEK_ENEMY_CANDIDATES_WHO_WANT_TO_MAKE_ BAD_THINGS but I know some of them, I hope they all feel/think/behave like me.

And now…
Let's get to Jaguaros, who seems to be your favourite eCitizen.
Yes, I have him in my friend list! Having him in my friend list doesn't mean I am his fake multi. Jaguaros doesn't have fake multies.
The funny thing is that he is admitting what he is doing (inviting people and feeding those that don't gain experience fast) and you can't accept that a Greek was smart enough to do something like this.

Anyway, let's keep it up - We were not born enemies, we were both born humans, accept the fact that there are people that think “slightly” different than you. And it is just a game, following something “different” will be fun for sure.

Thanks for reading – Have fun both “enemies” and “allies”! (did you notice I put “enemies” first?)

Metallium -the HUMAN -the nonfake -no multi -FREE -real life Greek