eThailand cannot haz

Day 1,964, 15:08 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

I'm sure that some of you have noticed as have I that eThailand has taken an unusual interest in not only the various regions of eMalaysia but also the people, conversations, and yes the media of eMalaysia.

Well this would be all well on good normally. They have recently 'conquered' us to oblivion while almost completely relying on their ally eMontenegro so...

naturally a nation that has recently taken over another would be tuned into the media of the wiped eNation. There is only one issue with that. eThailand forgets to mention that the only reason they care so much about eMalaysia is their complete inability to get into the eIndian subcontinent due to their repeated loss at the hands of eCroatia.

In fact they blame their loss to eCroatia on eMalaysia for there being a Resistance War in Peninsular Malaysia. Let me ask you something if the great an powerful eSerbia eThailand were really so great and powerful than why were they not able to control their military enough to have them NOT fight in Peninsular Malaysia and TO have them fight against eCroatia in eIndia? Is the mighty eMalaysia army really so great that we completely distracted eThailand from their war with eCroatia?

Maybe so, Maybe so. There is truly no other explanation for eThailand's complete and utter loss to eCroatia. Why else would the illustrious eThailand lose to eCroatia?

To my friend Nerzhu1 thank you for rightly pointing out eThailand's absolute failure against eCroatiain in a joint session of congress.
