eIrish Player Sports Crossword

Day 3,302, 10:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

House Rules:

1. The answer to each question is a eIrish player
2. Place each players name in the comments below
3. Win 50Q7 for each right answer
4. You can not guess your won

2. Fan of Barcelona FC
3. Fan of Real Madrid
4. Irish Tank that roots for Liverpool FC
5. This supper cool citizen follows the Best America Football team the EAGLES
9. When not following MU he follows Dinamo Zagreb
10. Hockey fan of the New York Rangers
12. Elephant Polo Fan, Yes you read that correct
13. Watches American Football in Attic cold with Cheese hat

1. Fan of Celtic FC
5. No Irish Sports quiz would be complete without a Dublin GAA fan
6. Easy one, Rugby Stomers Fan (no idea who they are)
7. Follows his home town team Cork City
9. Fan of a team Moo HATES, Bray Wanders (RIP Mons)
11. When not following equestrian his American Football team gets beat by the EAGLES a lot.