eGermany's Congressional Elections

Day 676, 10:21 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Hello fellow citizens of eGermany, eRepublik, and all readers in general! This is my first article, and I am very excited to get started.

Yesterday, as we all know, were the much anticipated Congressional Elections. This was the first election I have seen as an eRepublik citizen, and I must say it was quite entertaining and exciting! To make the night even more exciting the race was neck and neck the entire way, with votes pouring in during the last 15 minutes. Open Minded Germany came out on top with 13 seats, PPD received 11 seats, and SPeD 10 seats. 630 voters cast their ballots last night!

My congratulations goes out to all winners, this has been a truly memorable experience for me. Thanks to everyone who voted, and good luck to all of the Congressmen and Congresswomen!

I cannot wait to become even more involved in the next elections!

Thanks for reading everyone, I intend to write many more articles in the future, hopefully they will be a bit longer than this one, but I hope you enjoy reading!