eFinland is safe. Thanks to our allies!

Day 594, 05:49 Published in Romania Finland by Erius
Greetings, friends and allies of eFinland!

Yesterday in Finland our nation note a hungarian goon as a candidate for presidency. This was a shock to us because we had already thought that we would have normal elections without a threath of PTO and because we had made a contract which was suppose to quarantee our safety in elections.

The elections went well and it seemed that this was only attempt to try keep our voters in our own country while elections in eCroatia were held. A goon didn`t get any votes but soon we realized that the threat was real. A hungarian get lot of votes in a couple of minutes and he was closing our main candidates in a number of votes. Our former president Jorma Ollila decided that all finns should vote that candidate who had gained most votes and so we tried to guide finns votes to one a person. Unfortunately the goon gained new votes and was closing our main candidate despite to our attempts.

Our people in our irc chanel panic and our goverment started to plan what we could do if goon would win. First our ambassadors and ministers tried to take contact to our friends and allies all over the world. This was the first time when Finland got under a real PTO and weren`t ready for it. Most of our allies had used their votes and we started to be quite desperate when goon had gain almost as many votes as our main candidate. Most finns had already give their votes somehow our own candidate lead the race with 50 votes. The hungarian couldn`t pass the finnish candidate and when the election was closing it`s end, still there was finn leading the race.

After elections the finnish community rejoice when they got a pure finn as their president and not a hungarian goon. And that is because of you, my dear friends.

As a new President of eFinland i salute you and send thanks of finnish community and our new goverment. Without you we would have a big problem and PEACE would have gained a another victory. eFinland can breath much easier when we know that we have friends like you as our allies.

Best regards;

~Erius, President of eFinland