Editorial 14: Day 1,506 - The Green and Gold lock-out continues

Day 1,506, 07:07 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Evening eAustralia,

Nearly two days have passed since Binda33's sensational and controversial lock-out of GGP founder Mr Crumpets from the GGP forums.

So far Binda has refused to readmit Mr Crumpets because to use her words, the party founder "shed a bad light on our Party".

If that is the so-called criteria for booting someone from the party forums, I think all of us would like to know when Binda will be removing herself?

Around November 2011 a new player to eAustralia, Cody Caine, joined the GGP.

He wanted to become more involved than just a party member and when (then PP) CallumH123 called for nominations for a position on the GGP council, Cody put his hand.

A few days prior Binda33 had put her hand up for a similar position, however Callum decided it was a good idea to bring in some fresh blood and chose Cody.

Then came the wall of abuse from Binda.

It was aimed at Callum and indirectly Cody. Now Cody was upset by this, but did not leave the country solely on this matter (more on RL issues).

BUT what did happpen was this abuse by Binda spilt over into the public gallery sections of the forum, where an all mighty argument broke out between Flatty and Binda.

This look VERY, VERY BAD for our party, which had both myself and CallumH123 pleading with Binda and Flatty to cool (I especially had a go at Binda for having a go at Cody).

So it begs the question, this abuse by Binda certainly (as she would put it) "shed a bad light on our Party"... so to be 'consistent' I wonder of Binda would resign as PP and volunteer to be booted from the forums?

Oh that's right... one rule for her and another rule for others.

Someone the other day asked me how could Binda33 becoming Party President (by CallumH's resignation) and her actions be seen as a PTO?

Well first you need to remember three very important points.
1. The GGP is newbie friendly
2. The GGP slogan is 'Keep the bastards honest', meaning transparency at all levels including our own party and it's forums.
3. The GGP is a game mechanics party (inherited from our ERA days)

So Binda failed test one by having a crack at Cody Caine who was new to the party and wanted to help.

Then she shuts me down for posting what was going on in our forums. Something we have ALWAYS done as a party and which I could show her numerous newspaper articles written for the party talking about EVERYTHING that was being debated in the party forums.

Finally and most importantly she mocked me and the party's belief in Game Mechanics.

Put it this way. Say Garven Dreis a known lefty decided for giggles to put himself in the ANP. Then the PP in TJ Norton had a RL issue come up and had to resign... but in doing some, GD was the most experienced player and became Party President.
He then gets control of the ANP forums and mocks its right wing policies. Party Founder (version 2) DocterDry speaks up about it, then gets booted from the party.

Wouldn't that sound like a PTO? Taking the party away from what it was established as?

Finally, as we approach the Prime Minister elections, something very fishy has popped up.

Over a week ago CallumH123 resigned as GGP Party President as he had run by mistake - for which I believe Callum.

At this point in the party forums Wally Wilson was the undisputed favourite for the GGP endorsement as Prime Minister.

I take a short holiday as Binda33 officially takes over as Party President.

Upon my return I discover that not only have I been booted, that Wally Wilson is not our endorsed candidate. I heard a rumour of a RAGEQUIT, but I have absolutely no idea if that's true or what it was about.

Not only that, SRG91 has moved into the Green and Gold Party, been endorsed by Binda33 and in return SRG has named Binda as his deputy prime minister.

WTF? Remember, during the last election SRG was a member of the APP and got their supporting endorsement again... why the need to switch parties?

Of course, during all this time (being booted) I as a party member (let alone founder) cannot find out how this all went down and why the switch.

Also, that denied me the chance to suggest to GGP members that if Wally is out of the race, why not consider Larni?

Clearly something stinks at the moment in the GGP... and sadly it might be beyond repair... and another party Binda33 would have ruined.

Mr Crumpets
GGP Founder