Editorial 13: Day 1,504 - Abuse of power scandal

Day 1,504, 19:21 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good afternoon eAustralia,

In the early hours of this morning an incident that occurred, that on it's own could seem minor, but in the long run could have some serious consequences.

Many of you are aware now of myself being locked out of the Green and Gold Party forums, the party which I founded.

However, it's a small issue that happened after that which could effect the governing of the forums in the future.

Yours truly submitted a ticket to forum admins requesting to be readmitted to the GGP forums as I felt Binda33 had overstepped her powers by booting me from the party forums.

My argument that I would present to forum admins was that as Green and Gold Party President Binda is the moderator for that forum, and moderator of course MUST GOVERN BY THE RULES.

I was looking to point out to forum admins that even though Binda had privacy concerns, there are no rules in the GGP forums that prevent anyone from re-posting it's content in the eRepublik media (unlike the clauses in the senate).

This is where it gets juicy.

Binda33 intercepted that forum ticket and said as forum moderator I've been denied.


When has it ever been okay for a person that is 'party to a dispute' to handle a forum admin ticket?

In all good will, you would expect Binda to excuse herself from answering the ticket and allow someone Independent to handle it.

They may for all good purposes find in favour of Binda's decision, but clearly Binda being overall judge, jury and executioner of a decision that effects her is not good for natural justice.

After she replied to that ticket I responded that I wished an independent person to review the ticket. She refused and in fact threatened to strip any Gmods of their powers should they inter-fear with the case.

So for the first time in over two and a half years of playing eRepublik, I've made a personal plea Xavier Griffith to strip Binda33 of admin powers for failing to be impartial and not governing under a sub-forums rules.

It's a pretty big call to make and of course I expect the usual 'here goes CH again' comments, but the issue is now more serious than just me being booted from a party forum.

The questions have to be asked.

If this behaviour and abuse of power by Binda is allowed to stand, then how can anyone who has signed up to the forums ever expect a 'fair hearing' when they have a dispute with one moderator?

How is this good for encouraging new players to join the game and forums when if they have one disagreement with a PP or mod they get booted (would you still play the game after that)?

The only argument Binda33 has against mine (where I point out I have no broken any party forum rules) is that "there's nothing to say I can't do it".

That is a very, very dangerous comment that now effects EVERY SINGLE eAUSTRALIAN CITIZEN.

Why? What if she starts banning people from the eAustralian forums because 'there's nothing to say I can't do it'.

Right now, Larni and DocterDry2 could be banned because Binda doesn't like them. That's all just by going on that line.

Mr Crumpets.