Editorial 12: Day 1,500 - How to get your way without a majority

Day 1,500, 01:06 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good evening eAustralia,

Recently I was reading in the Green and Gold Party (GGP) forums about the rise of the Australian Parliamentary Party (APP) and how some members were not quite sure what to make of them.

The APP seem to be made up of a lot of newer members (something the GGP use to be famous for) and they are keen to make an immediate impact.

Some GGP members think this is not good news, while others (like yours truly) think this is the perfect time to 'shake things up'.

Personally, I though things needed a shake-up after the Non-Elected Senate sham of last month. The best call then was for the senate to be closed.

There was NOTHING in game that senate could do... in eRepublik terms, senate did not exist due to the wipe of our country.

I was hoping the rest of the GGP would acknowledge our period of being the eRepublik Alliance and it's philosophy of 'Game Mechanics', by agreeing that a shut-down would be best.

However, the opposite happened. They wanted to keep senate open to achieve... well no-one is quite sure what!

Putting that together, with the concerns of the rise of the APP, makes the fair assumption... are these (older) players concerned about losing power?

The evidence is starting to build up that way.

Plus looking outside my own party, seeing TJ Norton as speaker and he's carry on about brining senate to order and having 'party senate leaders' makes me think we have taken this role play BS to far.

So, I'm about to give the APP some frees tips on how to bring senate forums to a grinding halt and get your way on everything.

First step for the APP to bring the government to a halt is remove all your members from the senate forums. The speaker can't punish you for it. OH, but I hear you say 'anything we propose in game will get voted down' yes... but two can play at that game.

Second, ensure ALL of your current 11 senators are on the same page and willing to work this plan correctly.

Third, you will need 3 or 4 more senators as allies. Look to the Independents or any first term senators and ask them to join your plans.

Fourth, with a total of 14 or 15 senators you now have a third of elected senators and can BLOCK any MPP or Natural Enemy proposals. Just tell your APP and allied senators to vote NO to any of this that come up. Thus reducing the nation's allies stack and removing any chance for Training War bonuses.

Fifth, each day one senator must propose a 'donation' of 1AUD to the Reserve Bank. Remember, each senator only gets 2 proposals, so make a timetable of when each senator is to make this donation proposal. Each proposal must be done, no more than a few seconds after the last proposal has expired (24 hours). This tactic locks up the nation's money in the Treasury and stall the government's ability to fund things.

APP if you follow this tactics to the letter, you can stall government. They can do whatever they like in their silly little role play games in the forums, but at the end of the day, all the power is in-game - master that and they will have to bow to your demands to do ANYTHING!

Mr Crumpets
Founder of the GGP
Leader of the ERA faction