EDEN is losing the Balkans

Day 796, 10:27 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Yesterday there was a good fight in Sofia (formerly belonging to Romania, now Serbia). It was a 1/1 battle in which Romania lost. Looking at the battle statistics, we will see that the difference was made by the Hungarian and Russian armies fighting together with Serbia.

EDEN did not consider necessary to send troups (only Croatian army came independently). This time there was no major war happening anywhere on the globe requiring some important moves of armies. This is a quite a strategic mistake for the following reasons:

a. Romania is obviously feeling that there is no support from EDEN towards them. There were already (independent) voices in Romania complaining about the lack of support from the allies in previous campaigns. Today it was the President of Romania who said it more than clearly:
"[Infrangerea din Sofia]...este dureroasa mai ales prin prisma lipsei suportului unor tari pe care Romania le-a ajutat sa-si revina de la o singura regiune, sa obtina regiuni iron-high, sa stearga tari de pe harta sau sa isi pastreze teritorii."
"decizia mea (pe care mi-o asum 100% si care este valabila pana la sfarsitul mandatului, urmatorul presedinte avand libertatea de a face ceea ce doreste) este ca Romania sa isi limiteze semnificativ ajutorul acordat aliatilor (cu exceptia Croatiei) in operatiunile desfasurate in afara granitelor Romaniei"
This should make EDEN diplomacy a bit worried and perhaps they should take some steps to resolve the existing situation.
b. It is quite obvious that EDEN do not consider the Balkan region to have a strategic importance. Many voices considered the Romanian campaign in Bulgaria and Turkey to be absolutely pointless, but it created the background for several wins of the allies in West Europe and Asia. With Balkans being quiet, Phoenix regained the initiative in West Europe and they will use UK and RWs in French and German regions to make EDEN life more and more miserable.
c. It seems now that Phoenix gives more and more attention to the region. Previously it looked like it is going to be an EDEN territory (with Romania wiping out Bulgaria and bordering with Greece; Ukraine getting closer and closer to EDEN via diplomacy, Greece using a lot of resources in the war against Turkey). Since then Phoenix operated with much better coordination (Hungary, Serbia and Russia) and they are now having initiative and gaining regions in the area.

For all the reasons above, it looks like EDEN will be losing the war in the Balkans. The perspective of a Phoenix invasion in Croatia and Romania is not far away and this time they might succeed due to much better coordination of attacks compared to EDEN defense. A lot of pressure will be put on Poland to assist the defense in the region, so Poland must decide whether they will remain involved in West Europe only or start behaving like a super-power who can fight on two fronts.

From "across the pond", except Canada attack on UK it all seems quiet. USA is probably waiting to get involved against UK, but it might be simply too late. Meanwhile, the fortress of Balkans might lay in ruins.

The equilibrium of the game might be severely impacted and USA might need to show as a true leader of EDEN not only by asking for allied support for their offensive campaigns, but also by being forced to move their armies across the globe to defend the allies. Also the dream to attack Hellongjiang is now far away and another attack (with a chance of success) will not be possible in less than 2 weeks from now.