EDEN/Brolliance Vs. PEACE, Come on!

Day 711, 19:49 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe
EDEN/Brolliance Vs. PEACE, Come on!

Seriously, what's the point of this war? It doesn't lead anywhere at all!
How many of you is tired of this war? Please, I want to know, comment below.

This war is the most meaningless thing in eRepublik history! It is going nowhere!
Sure, America got their regions back. But what's the big difference from when the war first started?
I'll tell you the different: None worthy of noticing!

The only thing this war has lead to is hate, racism and destruction.
Come on you guys!
I'm sick of this war, and loads of people agree with me.

Seriously, the Russian media is dominated by "The American scum's planing an attack"
The American is something like this: "Here comes our wrath you imperialistic British faggots"
And so on.. What's the point of it?

War isn't what's fun. The social opportunities is, the politics is, the arguments is, the company owning is, the economies is.
War is just the sick evil brother of what is truly fun.
War is just clicking on buttons. The other parts of the game is not.
The other parts of the game is what matter.

Screw all these super alliances, screw all this hate, screw all this racism and screw all this destruction!

Can't we give it a try?
Just try, living without it, for a couple of days.
Give it a try, will we?

Give all the occupied regions back, move all the original people back, end all this once and for all!
Start training wars instead!



The song of this article:
Sabaton - Panzerkampf


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover