eChina 新闻中心----國際[International]

Day 737, 12:33 Published in China China by eChina

eChina 新闻中心----國際[International]
eChina 新闻中心----國際[International]
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Day 737 国际International (27/11/2009)
English version




PEACE成立之初,正是ATLANTIS联盟强大的时候。印尼、伊朗、意大利、匈牙 利等国家团结起来,成立了一个防御性的同盟。之后, PEACE在世界大战中战胜了ATLANTIS,而ATLANTIS也分裂成了现在的 EDEN和Broliance(又称E/F)。取得优势以后,PEACE就对EDEN 国家 以及美国展开了反攻。当然,PEACE也曾进攻或者威胁中立国家。

12天以前,印尼宣布退出PEACE。短短几天时间内,匈牙利、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、伊 朗、拉脱维亚、土耳其也纷纷退出。种种迹象表明 ,这些新退出的国家,还处在一种类似同盟的关系里。它们也许会建立一个新的PEACE ,彻底舍弃“防御性同盟”的条款。我们将印尼 退出前的PEACE称为前PEACE;匈牙利、印尼、俄罗斯、伊朗、塞尔维亚之间模糊 的同盟组织称作HIRIS。其中,与中国相邻的四个国家 ,又称为HIRI。HIRIS只是一个框架,现在还不清楚哪些国家会在新的HIRIS 盟里。

在HIRIS等国退出后,PEACE也就正式宣布解散了。残留的PEACE国家,正在 商讨一个新的宪章,把PEACE改造成一个真正的防御性同盟。 不过,谁也不清楚,这些剩下的PEACE国家将何去何从。几天前,匈牙利进攻了前PE ACE国家奥地利。在经历了内部争论以后,匈牙利转 而派出部队,帮助奥地利防守。于是我们惊讶地看到,匈牙利、E/F和残留PEACE国 家在这一场战斗中联合了起来。在共同努力下,奥地 利防守成功。不过,显然,残留的PEACE和HIRIS已经分道扬镳了。



原PEACE的国家中,最强的是匈牙利、印尼、俄罗斯和塞尔维亚(HIRS)。它们是 PEACE的核心国家。这四个国家,加上伊朗,也就是 HIRIS,是原PEACE攻击欲望最强的5个国家。此外,在上次对克罗地亚的进攻中 ,拉脱维亚和土耳其也配合匈牙利、塞尔维亚,发起了 牵制性的进攻。这些国家,也就是一起退出PEACE的七个国家,它们具有相近的理念。 而意大利、法国、英国、葡萄牙等原PEACE国家, 作为中等国家(介于大国与小国之间),对原PEACE的进攻行动兴趣不大。也许大家还 记得,为了阻止伊朗对中国的入侵,法国和英国 甚至和中国签订了MPP。PEACE还有众多小国。这些小国,基本是为了自身安全才加 入PEACE,有的甚至是被威胁加入的,比如日本。这 些立场上的差异,导致原PEACE内部配合难产,交流困难。新的HIRIS,由于思想 更一致,也许能够进行更好的配合。


在一个月以前,众小国是E/F和PEACE争夺的对象。小国虽然攻击力有限,但是可以 提供牵制性的战斗,压制对方的先手权,对大国的行 动形成有力的支持。所以,PEACE拉拢或者胁迫了许多小国家。当然,要小国配合的同 时,也要负责它们的安全。在MPP费用只有30G的 时候,这不是太大的问题。当MPP的费用升高到了100G,许多小国根本没有足够的收 入来维持PEACE内部MPP的费用。所以,这些小国从 助力变成了负担。通过退出PEACE,HIRIS摆脱掉了这些小国。

无论如何,现在可以肯定的是,PEACE并没有消亡。无论是HIRIS还是别的组合, PEACE将只是进行整编。PEACE与E/F两大阵营相争的局 面,也将转变为HIRIS与E/F的争斗。HIRIS的亲密小国盟友,可能与HIRI S的部分国家发展一些双边关系。最大的变数,是那些残留 PEACE国家的走向。还有,HIRIS,甚至拉脱维亚、土耳其、巴西,哪些国家关系 会更紧密一些。从吉林的战斗来看,HIRI之间,是有配 合的。

好了,下面一部分内容,是关于最近的吉林之战。我有幸采访到了我们的外交部长, tonystm
:许多人都很关心,俄罗斯进攻我们的内蒙古和吉林,究竟是出于怎样的 一种考虑呢?
tonystm:关于这个问题 ,内蒙古战斗爆发以后,我们第一时间要求俄罗斯做出解释。目前,和俄罗斯的联系也没有 中断。俄罗斯向我 们表达了两点意见。
tonystm:第一,俄罗斯 的进攻,是出于它们与伊朗的同盟条约。按我的理解就是说,俄罗斯是在帮助伊朗防守吉林 。
tonystm:对。可能伊朗 认为,由俄罗斯来占据吉林,更有利于它们防守。
tonystm:第二,俄罗斯 表示,他们无意与中国为敌。
tonystm:俄罗斯的野蛮 行径激起了国际社会的强烈愤慨。据我所知,一些E/F国家派出了部队来帮助中国防守。
tonystm:不仅是罗马尼 亚和马来西亚。许多E/F国家,Sol国家,还有一些原PEACE国家,都站在中国一 边。有些派出了部队,比如法国 。
tonystm:是的。日本过 去是俄罗斯的盟友,现在和俄罗斯的MPP也没有过期。但是他们明确地站在我们一边。尽 管吉林之战最终失利了 ,我们感谢日本,感谢所有帮助我们的国家。
:我发现,从之前的一天,到战斗结束的那天,中国的总经验由93万飙 升到了130万。其中不少就是外国友人了。
tonystm:对。甚至俄罗 斯内部,也有一些不同的声音。许多人对政府的做法不满,认为不应该轻易与邻国开战。
tonystm:吉林之战结束 后,saint william总理就立即公开表示,俄罗斯必须归还吉林,否则与俄罗斯将不可能有任何 的妥协。
tonystm:如果俄罗斯或 者HIRI其他国家继续挑衅的举动,那么中国将不得不做出一些相应的举动。
tonystm:中国目前还坚 持中立的立场。但是,中立,是建立在自身安全得到保障的基础之上的。如果处在威胁之下 ,那么我们也要采 取必要的措施。
tonystm:刚才俄罗斯表 示可以归还吉林。我们与印尼有关领土的谈判也在进行。
tonystm:现在还不好说 ,谈判还在进行之中。还有一些地方没有取得一致。

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主笔: mariohexu 排版 : Woodylm

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International Day 737 (27/11/2009)

12 Small countries are weighed less because of the new MPP rule.

One month ago, small countries are favorable by both E/F and former PEACE. Actually, they fought to win small countries. Even though doing little damage, small countries are extremely useful in suppress initiative and divert attention. Therefore, the former PEACE gathered plenty of small countries. However, those small allies need to be protected as well. It is not a big deal when the cost for MPP was 30G. When it comes to 100G, however, those small countries can not provide the cost of MPP for themselves. They transformed from candy to burden. By abandoning PEACE, HIRIS is not related to them any more.

All in all, what we are sure about right now is that, PEACE hasn’t die. They are only regrouped, no matter it comes out to be HIRIS or other combination. The scenario of PEACE versus E/F is going to be replaced by HIRIS versus E/F. Former PEACE nations may develop some bilateral relationship with HIRIS countries. Seen from Jilin War, HIRI countries do have cooperation.

What is PEACE?

For these days, the most notable event in eworld is probably the breakup of PEACE. Therefore, let’s have a brief review of it.

First of all, there’s no harm to introduce the history of PEACE once again.
At the very beginning of PEACE, it’s the era of ATLANTIS. eIndonesia, eIran, eItaly, eHungary and other countries set up a defensive alliance to compete with ATLANTIS. Later, PEACE defeated ATLANTIS and ATLANTIS dissolved into nowadays EDEN and Broliance. We refer the unofficial alliance including EDEN and Broliance as “E/F”. Upon having advantage, PEACE headed back into original territories of EDEN and America. Also, PEACE have invaded or threatened some neutral countries.

12 days ago, eIndonesia declared to quit PEACE. eHungary, eRussia, eSerbia, eIran, eLatvia and eTurkey followed soon. Information suggests that, those nations who quitted PEACE are still in a relationship similar to within allies. They may form a new PEACE, this time an official “Offensive” alliance. We refer the PEACE before eIndo quitted as “Former PEACE”; the unofficial pre-alliance between maybe eHungary, eIndo, eRussia, eIran and eSerbia as “HIRIS”. The four neighboring countries of HIRIS are also referred as “HIRI”. HIRIS is only a rough idea. It’s yet clear which countries will be in HIRIS.

As HIRIS and other countries quitted, PEACE officially ended. However, the remaining PEACE countries are negotiating for a new PEACE charter. They want to reform PEACE into a real defensive alliance. We are unsure of their future. A few days before, eHungary invaded eAustria, a former PEACE country. After some argument within eHungary, eHungary sent troops to defend eAustria. We were amazed to see eHungary, E/F and remaining PEACE fighting on the same side. With joint effort, eAustria was secured. However, it is clear that the remaining PEACE is not on the same boat with HIRIS any more.

What was going on with former PEACE?
There should be some reasons. Well, we are not them. But we have two conjectures.

1, the conflict within former PEACE

Of those former PEACE countries, the strongest are eHungary, eIndo, eRussia and eSerbia (HIRS). They are core countries of the former PEACE. They, plus eIran, so to speak HIRIS, are the most aggressive countries within former PEACE. Under the last world war where eCroatia was attacked, eLatvia and eTurkey cooperated with HIRIS closely by making diversion attacks. They, altogether, are the seven countries who intently quitted PEACE. I perceive that they have similar aims. On the contrary, eItaly, eFrance, eUK, ePortugal are former PEACE countries who are middle-sized. They were not so interested in former PEACE’s attacks. Maybe you still remembered that, in order to stop eIran’s invasion to eChina, eFrance and eUK signed MPP with eChina. The former PEACE also has lots of small countries. Generally, these countries care nothing but their own safety. Some are even threatened into PEACE, such as eJapan. As a conclusion, former PEACE countries have different views. As a result of this, the former PEACE had terrible communications and bad teamwork. The new HIRIS may overcome this difficulty.

Exclusive interview on Ministry of Foreign Affairs

OK, in the following part, we are lucky to have interviewed MoFA, tonystm for the Jilin War.

Me: Tonystm, How are you?
Tonystm: Fine.
Me: As you are organizing the congress election as well, let’s come straight to the point.
Me: We are interested in why eRussia invaded Inner Mongolia and Jilin.
Tonystm: We demanded explanation from eRussia immediately after the battle in Inner Mongolia began. They expressed two points.
Tonystm: First, eRussia attacked according to an agreement with eIran. To me, it seems that eRussia was helping eIran to keep Jilin.
Me: At that point, there are two battles in Jilin. NK attacked Jilin and there is also a rising war.
Tonystm: Yes. Maybe eIran thought that Jilin is better taken by eRussia.
Tonystm: Second, eRussia said they do not want to be enemy of eChina.
Me: Well. How other countries think about this war?
Tonystm: eRussia’s blatant invasion has been opposed by the eworld. As long as I know, some E/F countries sent their troops to eChina.
Me: We had MPP with eRomania and eMalaysia.
Tonystm: Not only eRomania and eMalaysia., but also other E/F countries, Sol countries, former PEACE countries fought on eChina’s side. For instance, eFrance.
Me: eJapan also signed MPP with us after that.
Tonystm: Yes. eJapan is former ally of eRussia. But in Jilin War, they were on our side. We are gratitude to all those helps, although we lost the war.
Me: I found that, in one day, eChina’s total experience increased from 930 thousand to 1300 thousand. Are they from international friends?
Tonystm: Should be. Even inside eRussia, there is controversy on. Some are not satisfied with the eRussia government. They think it a bad idea to start a new war.
Me: So, what is our attitude?
Tonystm: Right after the Jilin War, Saint William, our premier, shoute😛
“1. NO NAP / MPP if no Jilin return from eRussia
2. Joint action from Hungary / Indoneisa / Russia / Iran will push eChina to Eden / Fortis”
Me: Are we going to enter E/F?
Tonystm: We are still in our neutral stand. However, prior to that, we need to protect ourselves. If under threatens, we will have to take necessary actions.
Me: Is there any other information to disclose?
Tonystm: One moment ago eRussia admitted the possibility that they release Jilin. We are also talking with eIndo for the region issue.
Me: Oh! Are we going to take back Jilin?
Tonystm: It is still under progress. Agreement has not been made.
Me: OK. So, thank you very much.
Tonystm: My pleasure.
At Last......
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Writer : mariohexu ; Translate : mariohexu Woodylm ; publisher: Woodylm