eChina 新闻中心----历史/专访[History/interview]

Day 741, 05:27 Published in China China by eChina
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历史/专访[History/interview] Day 741 (30/11/2009)
English version

公告:国际版的主笔mariohexu已辞职,原定 星期二(明天) 出版的国际版将暫停出版一次。另外有意成为国际版的主笔 请联络shawcknWoodylm

相信各位都知道早前e中国领土吉林省被e俄罗斯夺取之事,这触发了许多爱国人士再次对 e中国各种前境感到疑虑,事实上e中国从立国至今走过的每一步都是绝不平坦的,我们曾 经经历过灭国的坎坷,也有过革命胜利的欢腾,e中国的确是在这样的逆境中逐步成长了, 本报有幸邀请到资深玩家丶e中国总理Saint William亲述对於吉林被占领的心情丶渡过艰辛时期的体会以及对e中 国未来的展望,也许各位亦可以从中得到一点启发。


你好!我是eChina News的编辑部人员!我们希望在新一期以访问各位中国老玩家为主题,因此选择了较为 资深的阁下作为本次访问对象!首先问一些最近大家很关心的事情,就是吉林被e俄罗斯以 高明(也有玩家认为是卑鄙)的手法夺取了,对此请问阁下有甚麽感受及意见?

William:吉林是中国固有的土地,作为总理,我是对入侵的行为极度不满,亦立即 召开中俄的峰会解决问题,对俄国政府作出严正的指责,并要求对方归还吉林,经过三天的 峰会及印尼的斡旋,我国有望在短期内获得俄国退还吉林,并基於国家安全的考量,我国会 和俄国进行互不侵犯协议的讨论。俄国必须在不占有我国任何固有土地下,才能完成互不侵 犯协议的讨论。


William:首先,我国外交部并没有作出任何不结盟政策,我国只保持一贯不干预他 国及联盟事务的方向(除SOL联盟外)。


William:e中国成立至今,我对印尼政权的Mimihitam比较欣赏,撇除其 PTO及以中国作为战争工具的企图,她的个人领导力暂时是凌驾於过去多届总统。可是当 时各为其主,作为当时主要反对党的本土领袖,我对她的政策是不认同的,但她确是唯一较 出色的中国总统。

小知识-08年至今e中国先後共有八位总统,Mimihitam於09年四月份当选, 是e中国第四届总统,於五月份下台。

让我们回顾一下08年的时候,e中国分别被e伊朗及e巴基斯坦占据,当时你有甚 麽特别刻骨铭心的事情及感受?

William:在巴基斯坦的统治期,基本上民生问题不是很大,反而在伊朗的统治下, 伊朗人对其他非伊朗人的打压是很严重,不停的窃国去支援伊朗的国库,对中国的发展是严 重打击,而当年亦把我捐献的300G也窃走,这事令我很气愤,至今,和印尼峰会时,我 亦不讳言当年伊朗对中国的伤害。

小知识-e巴基斯坦曾经是世界超级强国,包括e中国在内的大多数国家均被其灭国 ,後来e伊朗假意协助e中国起义独立,使e中国被巴丶伊两国占领,直至09年2月e中 国才真正进入解放时期。


William:我相信2008年对e中国是没有灵魂的时代。我对未来中国是有期望的 ,不过我要强调我们要求同存异,不能因大家来自不同地方便作出歧视,这样,将会令e中 国陷入万劫不复的状况。


William:我希望e中国能在经济和军事上都能走上强邦之列,毕竟我们起步是比人 家慢,我亦不想揠苗助长的去推行更多新想法,故此,e中国能平稳发展成为强国,已经是 不错了。



当小记得知吉林被占领时曾一度感到绝望,怕e中国又将步入衰退,然而在重温e中国历史 後心情立即平伏了不少,因为我看见e中国没有走回头路,而是稳健的成长中,与08年人 口只有数百的时期相比,现在e中国不旦拥有4000以上人口,世界格局也不再是e巴基 斯坦时代般严重倾斜,加上越来越多高质素成员进入政坛,使e中国有了确实的生存条件; 在与William的访问中小记感受到纵使e中国正面对各种艰辛问题,但仍然有一群人 坚定不屈去守护这个国家,也许这已经足够让我继续留守着,期待着。

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主笔: black humour ;翻译: silent stalk ;校正: Eddie Balder排版 : Woodylm

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History/interview Day 741 (30/11/2009)

Notice: the writer of articles “International” has resigned. Therefore , no articles will be published this Tuesday (tomorrow). Also, we are recruiting people writing articles about international issuses. Interested citizens can contact : shawckn or Woodylm


As we know, e-Russian has invaded e-China and captured Jilin recently; this has made many patriots once again concerned about the prospects in e-China. Actually our country has travelled a tough road of history since her birth; we have experienced being annihilated, we have cheered for our success in revolution, and we did grow up under adversity step by step. Today we are glad to invite Saint William, a senior player and prime minister of e-China tell us his feeling of losing Jilin, experience of rough years and prospective of e-China, hopefully you can gain some enlightenment from it.

--Content of exclusive interviews--

Hello! I am a newsroom staff of e-China news, we intend to interview Chinese senior players in the coming issue. First of all, let’s focus on some hotspot which everyone is concerned about, Russian has captured Jilin in a brilliant (or contemptible) way. How do you think of this event, your Excellency?

William: Jilin is a part of china, as a prime minster, I feel extremely dissatisfaction about Russian’s invaded, we have held leader’s summit between China and Russian, we sternly denounced Russian’s invaded and demanding Russian government return Jilin at once. After three-day’s discussion and Indonesia’s mediate, we could expect Russia return Jilin in the short term. Out of national security consideration, we are also trying to discuss a non-aggression with Russian, while sticking our principle that Russia do not captured any our lands.

Do you think e-China’s former non-alignment policy is right?

William: first, foreign affairs ministry had never published non-alignment policy before, we only stick to the principle that never interfere the affairs of other country or states union (except SOL union).

Can you tell us which president do you appreciate in e-China’s history, why?

William: as far as e-China’s establishment, I appreciate Indonesia government Mimihitam most, besides PTO and the intention of making China as a tool of war, her personal leadership is outmatch many presidents before. Because of political issues, I, worked as a local leader of opposition, against her policies. However, she is the only outstanding Chinese president.

(Hint: from year 2008, e-China has 8 president, Mimihitam was elected in April, year 2009, she is the fourth president of e-China, and left in May.)

Let us review our history. E-China was captured by e-Iran and e-Pakistan in year 2008, how did you feel at that moment and did you have and unforgettable memories about those years?

William: there was not much problems with people’s live hood during Pakistan reigns, while in Iran reigns, non-Iran suffered unfair treatments, the entire China existed only to feed Iran’s national treasury, which severely affected China’s development, they even took away my donated 300G, which made me highly anger. Until now, at the summit meeting with Indonesia, I never avoid mention Iran’s hurt to China in those years.

(Hint: e-Pakistan was super power in e-republik, she has annihilated many countries include e-China, afterward e-Iran pretended to help e-China to uprising, which made e-China being captured by Pakistan and Iran, until Feb.2009, e-China became a real independent country)

Do you think we have passed the toughest times after 2008?

William: I believed that e-China was a country without her soul in 2008. I think e-China is hopeful, but I must emphasize that we must agree to differ, region discrimination may make e-China beyond redemption.

Finally, can you tell us your prospects of e-China, and what’s your opinion on e-China’s development?

William: I hope e-China could become an economical and military power country, but we must understand the fact that we are late starter, that’s why I don’t want to announced too much new ideas for hasten develop, we should expect for steadily grows.



I once despaired after we lost Jilin, I doubt whether e-China will recession again. But I feel peaceful after reviewing e-China’s history, as we all could see, e-China had never regression before, now we begin to grow steadily. Compare with several hundreds population in 2008, we have over 4000 citizens, and the world pattern is no longer severely imbalance as e-Pakistan reigns. With more and more high quality members join in the political arena, we do have reliable survival condition. During the interview, I detected a intensively sense that, our people will always guard and struggle for e-China inflexibly, regardless how hard the problems we are about to face are. This may hopeful enough for me to stay here, watch and expect for her future.

At Last......
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Writer : black humour ; Translate : silent stalk ;
Proof rea😛 Eddie Balder ; publisher: Woodylm