eAustralias True Cabinet

Day 961, 02:05 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Hello eAustralia,

As the scum have announced their cabinet made of soft wood,

I hereby release my cabinet made of hardwood

Cabinet ministers...

PM: sir_c0nstant
dPM: Widdows9000
Chief of Staff: Wally Wilson

Finance: Venja

Foreign Affairs: Dark Vorodor
deputy: Bass Junkie

Defense: Patti11
deputy: Machinemadness

Industry: Binda33
deputy: Testware

Immigration: Darth Spader

Public Relations: Viado_Celtru

Education: Callumh123
deputy: IMD

Babysitting: Agentgreeny

Health: Kyle Thornton
NSA: Larni

Remember together as true eAustralians we shall beat the scum.

sir_c0nstant OA
CP eAustralia