E for Erius

Day 1,069, 00:49 Published in Cyprus Finland by Erius

[Pahoittelut suomalaisille lukijoilleni, mutta tämä artikkeli on kirjoitettu vain englanniksi]


Some music for you my readers;

”There is no enemy, there is no victory!”

Greetings, citizens of eCyprus!

My name is Erius. I am unofficial leader of White Lion Order (WLO) – an Finnish Anti-PTO group – and a Minister of Recruiting, Education and Immigration of Finland. I will serve my RL homeland in this office till the end of this term, because I promised to Finlands current president, that I wont resign from my office before the term ends. Fortunately, that wont stop me to help eCyprus and to work for better future in this country.

Now you`re propably wondering, who am I and what I`m doing in eCyprus. Those players, who have visited IRC and #ecyprus propably know me, but till this I`ve not been activelly in media or on our forums. The reason for this easy; I believe, that there is no need to introduce one single person for entire community. If people meet me on IRC, they will learn to know me like other players here in eCyprus. There is no need to write an article on media about me. If this is true, then why I published this article? Because I am one of those players, who are running for congress of eCyprus.

Below you can find my short eHistory.

It is Erius, who rules this eWorld... atleast tries to

eHistory (short)

I started my eLife in eUK where I spent my early days before coming of V1. After V1 I moved to eNorwey, which had conquered my RL homeland, Finland. Me and my fellow finns fought to free Finland, but with so many bugs in game (because of V1) I decided to quit before I truly had started to play this game.

After couple of month`s from my eDeath I noticed in Travian.fi forums that my old friend, Okkius Pyromanius, was joined the race for eFinland`s presidency. I decided to help my friend and I came back from the dark halls of eHell, where (as someone say) I belong.

Here`s some achievements from the time after my resurrection:

7x Congressmember
Ambassador to Spain (from Finland)
Ambassador to Singapore (from Finland)
2x Representative of Ambassadors (Finland)
2x Party President of Red Jihad
1x Party President of Punainen Yhteisrintama (Red Front)
President of Finland
President of Singapore
Minister of Information (Singapore)
3x Advisory Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
2x Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
Ambassador to Sol (Singapore)
Chairman of Sol
2x Party President of Tewionist Party of Singapore
1x Party President of Enarchist Party of Singapore
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Finland)
Minister of Internal Security (Singapore)
Minister of Defense (Singapore)
2x Minister of Immigration, Education and Recruiting (Finland)
Former Member of SolDiers

Most of these titles are meaningless and not so important (well... as a Minister of Information in Singapore you`re not gonna have much work to do while MoD and other ministries will write their own articles when needed to and almost nothing special will happen in a month). They don`t tell anything else but that I`ve seen eWorld and that I have some connections in foreign countries (and maybe some experience in some areas of this game and it`s mechanics).

Some people might wonder ”But what is that White Lion Order? Are they truly Anti-PTOers...?” Yes, we truly are Anti-PTOers. In fact, the reason I moved to eSingaporein the first place was WLOs plans to help singaporeans to build their country – and to help the block the PTO attempts. We also visited Switzerland and helped them in their fight against Shaolin (russian) PTOers. We`re not as large organization like SEAL Team, but our unity is as good as theirs. But for now this is all I tell you about our Order – for now we are just eCypriots who are eager to see independent eCyprus!

E for Erius

Any plans for eCyprus?

The congress will be the first real governing organization in our young country and it will also have an important meaning in future. When we`ve elected our congress, we can truly start to build this country – change taxes, new citizen messages etc.

When the first congress is elected, I would like them to see do couple of things;

1. The official language in govermental discussions and information. We got many nationalities here in eCyprus, turks, greeks etc. And we have to make english the official language for now. Why? The reason is simple; yes, most of the RL cypriots might speak greek, but there is also that turkish minority in the island – we cannot just ignore them, even if there has been and will be turkish PTOers in eCyprus. Not all turks are PTOers. Also there is a lot of foreign people (including me and my friends) who want to help eCyprus – it would create a wall between us and those who speak greek(or turkish, or any other single language). When eCyprus will get it`s Baby Boom, maybe then we can make the greek as the official language (if the majority wants), but that will propably drive the foreign people out.

I don`t say that greek and turk should be forgotten, but the official govermental information etc. should be given atleast in english. If (and I`m sure we would) we have enough active people to translate all articles both in Turkish and greek, then we should share the information in these three languages.

No one is perfect... not even me

2. Make it clear, that eCyprus is NOT Greek. Neither it is Turkish region. I don`t want to insult anybody, but eCyprus is here in Erep independent eCountry. What ever the IRL conflicts and problems are, they does not make eCyprus something what it is not here in Erep. There is turkish citizens in RL Cyprus – and so there is greek citizens also. But I`m sure all of them call themselves CYPRIOTS.

In RL Finland, my homeland, we once had same kind of problem. Finland has two official languages – swedish and finnish. The first one is used mostly in our west coast and in Åland (you can check the situation of this islan from the map). When Finland gained it`s indepence, we had a verbal conflict with swedes about Åland. Majority of it`s citizens speak swedish, but they understand finnish. Swedes wanted to add Åland as a part of their own country, while Finland stated that it is a part of our country. Later, it was decided that Åland was historically more part of Finland than Sweden – even if the people speak swedish.

We still have same kind of problems in Finland (some people say that Swedish should not be the other official language and that we should have only one official language: Finnish) and so I understand the problem you`re having IRL. But this is eCyprus! IRL I would not be citizen of Cyprus, but here in Erep I can be – and I`m damn proud of it! We`re not forced to act in the way we would IRL. Here we can create our own future!

When greeks yell ”Cyprus is Greek!” they sound more a PTOers rather than Anti-PTOers. I trust Greece and it`s citizens (I`ve talked with Greeces Anti-PTO forces) but with those shouts they don`t make it any easier to live in peace with other nationalities. Cyprus is not Greek. Cyprus is Cypriot. We can be friends with the turks (minority) and in my mind, we should. Ofc we have to beat the PTO threath they`ve caused, but I don`t want to declare war on them before our country has even found it`s congress and cabinet. Diplomacy is always an opportunity.

3. Foreign Relations. We don`t have such yet. When we will elect our first congress, we should name atleast two ambassadors – Ambassadors to Turkey and to Greece. When the president will be elected, he can choose freely his/her Minister of Foreign Affairs, but those ambassadors can still stay in their office and pass the information from Cyprus to Turkey and Greece and the opposite.

Why should we do this? We already have good relations with Greece, but not with Turkey. We need someone who can contact eTurkey and talk about the relations of our countries. And if we want to be truly neutral, we need also someone who can create real relations with eGreece.

The real road of our foreign relations shall be decided when the president is elected – let`s talk about then what shall we do with the alliances etc.

These three things are what I`m gonna ask our congress to do – and these three things are what I`m trying to do if I get elected. I`m at my best in foreign affairs and pretty poor in economy, so I cannot promise anything special about our economy. I leave that area to those who truly understand something about it.

I cannot quarantee that those promises will be fulfilled, because I will not be the only congressmen in our first congress (if I get elected). The only thing I can promise is to try. I can quarantee, that you will give your vote to a person, who know this game and who is loyal to eCyprus – not to any other country or alliance.

Even if you don`t vote me, vote someone, who you know as a Pro-Cypriot. I`m not feeling insulted if don`t get elected, because indepence of eCyprus is much more important than one congressmedal.

Vote for Erius!