Dispelling the Myth...

Day 1,055, 03:08 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Germany by Alex Drex

I am writing this article to dispel a certain myth that I have seen more and more frequently, all over the eWorld, but especially here in eTaiwan. That myth, is that you need to be from that country in real life in order to play there. This is certainly not true. I am from the United State of America in real life, but have spent over a year (my entire eLife up to this point) living and working in eGermany.

In Germany I was both a successful political and military figure, despite the fact that I am not German IRL (although I do have German heritage, but that doesn't matter). It does not matter what country I, or anyone else, is from in real life. What matters is the country they are in in game. Whether I am from RL China or RL Taiwan or RL US or any other RL country makes no difference. I am in eTaiwan, that's what counts. I plan to stay here, and have a successful eCareer here.

In short, just because someone is from another country IRL, does not mean they have any less right to be in a different country in game. To those of you who think so, you are very, very wrong.

Alex Drex
-Former Ambassador to US and Canada
-Former KSK III Soldier
-Kazawan Imperial Guard Soldier
-Member of Kazawan Liberation Front

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.