Dignity Brigade | Retirement home for the confused

Day 1,570, 10:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I have a Facebook profile that I keep private to everyone besides my friends. It has nothing to do with eRepublik, and it has nothing to do with any group within the game.

There is a group with in this game that say that they put Dignity first. They say that if you play the game in a way that is not dignified, then it is not in line with their beliefs.

In Real Life I am a Christian. I attended a church that claimed to be Christian, and turned out to be a cult. The perspective leant from that experience turned me into the type of Christian that most of you would not recognised. I swear (no biblical command on that) , I have tattoos (biblically all things are permissible if to the glory of God), and I do NOT accept proud, better that thou Christianity.

I am ProLife but I do not hate ProChoice people.
I am anti gay marriage in a church, but am not anti a non-church marriage.
I believe the universe was created.
I have also no interest in discussing or debating my beliefs on a game.

I think that our RL beliefs should not EVER have a bearing on the game we play, and in-fact I think that it would not be very dignified for a player to take a Facebook post and ridicule a player behind his back on a forum he never visits. I could care less if the people I play with are Muslim, Hindu, Atheist or Satanist. I will treat your real life beliefs (if they come into play gamewise) with dignity and respect. That is the dignified thing to do.

Then I see this: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Dignity_Brigade/topic/4651617/1/

Now, if the group that posted this is so hung up on Dignity, then I would request that you respect my privacy and respect my beliefs. This you have not done!

Dignity Brigade has obviously lost its relevance and it has obviously lost its focus.

This is a sad day for me as I had a LOT of respect for Jizzie, and I now regret that I ever accepted him as a friend on Facebook.