Data dump: kills in 2019

Day 4,412, 15:16 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

One of the benefits of doing the Daily Order program is a record of Captains of Industry kills since the start. The following is a look back at total kills by MU members since 12/16/2018. I recorded kills per day until June 2019, when we switched to weekly numbers from the Weekly Leaderboards.

Over 200,000 kills
TheCanadianPunk ==269,806

Over 100,000 kills
Wilhem Klink ==134,398
1st Citizen ==106,313

Over 50,000 kills
kiisupai ==98,115

Over 25,000 kills
JoeyJoJo Shabbadoo ==47,268
grindarkly ==43,027
Gregor Barloginsk ==41,477
BettyNT ==41,173
Stopper Jr ==27,785

Over 10,000 kills
TheEarlyBird/ThisNameTaken ==22,767
Caricescovici ==21,964
Alexandru Musaca ==21,497
Saied Bassyouny ==15,372
Black Soo Man ==14,015

Over 5,000 kills
KlingonFan/Mohawk Warrior ==8,770
SMOK76 ==7,383
St.Pierre ==7,148
Bryan Alexander ==7,146
androxide ==6,152
Karl004 ==6,017
Andrew W ==5,754
Shere Richard Parker ==5,577
Burlington Food Corporation ==5,041

Over 500 kills
dreamtiger ==3,008
Money Beets ==2,428
Dudeer == 2,126
wolverineOwnage ==1,967
ScottMo ==1,445
Strik3forc31 == 806

Under 500 kills
Murlockij ==494
The Canadian Rooster ==455
Addy ==436
Captain of Industry ==327
Tuco Salamanka ==235
iduswanworld ==180
Stg.Bunny ==180
Mathew Bovik ==178
FrasierBZ ==178
Salim2pro ==140
ryan santee ==131
James Bo ==104
Fradnand ==69
joy luck club ==47
mockme134 ==35
MDDkr == 16
22Yoo ==12

And a graph