Custer Slings Their Own Mud Back At Them

Day 998, 04:37 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Not everyone thinks mud slinging is "just having fun in a game."

Dateline: Saturday August 14 (Day 99😎
Location: The Valley, L.A.
Reporter: George Armstrong "O.G." Custer

I have declared my candidacy for re-election as American Military Party President.
I refer you to our Party President candidate page at

Only warning: This article is long. Don't like long articles? This one is not for you.
tl;dr version:
The AMP faces a hostile takeover by candidates who do not have your best interests at heart.
Re-elect George Armstrong "F-Bomb" Custer as AMP Party President, or throw all our work thus far right in the toilet.
It's your Party. It's your US Congress, your US Government. It's your America, it's your vote.

My political opponent and his supporters have undertaken some pretty crappy tactics, mostly posting Comments to my articles that are at best rude but degrading through misleading and into flat out slander and lies.
I'll post a few of these here, that'll be the main content of this article.. my detractors' words.
I'll respond to some of these remarks, but most will speak for themselves to the mindset and intent of my opponent and his supporters. What I'd really like to point out is the gang attack method, where one reader posts and others follow like jackbooted thugs adding their kicks and jabs.

This is one of my favorites:
Henry Arundel Day 996, 23:29
even if you were to defeat MSTA (not likely), could we not just move in someone with more EXP than your other members to take over when you resign to run for Congress? Great idea, or Greatest idea?
Okay, so there's no concerted effort here to screw me, by any means necessary. Yeah, right.

From my Thursday/Friday piece, depicting me as a Don Quixote-style nutjob:
Nicholas Ryan Day 996, 22:47
"Electing either of these two is as easy as failing to re-elect me." lolomfg Did I really just read that? Anyway, good luck fighting that 'dragon' there, 'General' Don Quixote.
gagah Day 997, 00:40
>'General' Don Quixote <--Great post or greatest post?
Nicholas Ryan Day 997, 03:26
One of my own supporters took a shot at responding to the "Don Quixote" bit:
Steinus Maximus Day 997, 13:12
Let me see if I have this straight. Custer is tilting at windmills. Custer "...blame S.E.E.S. for everything known to man..." Therefore, SEES = windmill? A windmill is a large, noisy, and high maintenance machine that spins in circles to accomplish its goal. It takes a wide assortment of TOOLS to maintain a windmill. Did I miss anything or is my inability to form a coherent thought preventing me from seeing the big picture? I think that George Armstrong "Quixote" Custer would do well to watch his back when dealing with "windmills".,550x550,075,f.don-quixote-and-the-dragon.jpg
And of course there was a response:
Nicholas Ryan Day 997, 22:25
>"A windmill is a large, noisy, and high maintenance machine that spins in circles to accomplish its goal. It takes a wide assortment of TOOLS to maintain a windmill. Did I miss anything or is my inability to form a coherent thought preventing me from seeing the big picture?" Given that you've mistaken an allegory for a simile, I'd that's entirely possible. >"...I was sick of being associated with people who can't form a coherent thought." LOL, so you join a political party? Now there's an intellectual step up." Yeah, I rest my case.

Here's an Ad which I did not place, but is linked to my newspaper.

This is clearly a misinformation tactic poorly executed, and my own supporters are hip enough to the dirty game being played to not fall for it.
We've seen one Party place inflammatory or misinformational Ads and link them to their opponents' newspapers before, now they've employed this lame tactic against me.

The Don Quixote reference is no big deal.. I'm an idiot dreamer-- I "sees" neo-Nazi wannabes and cult-like idol worship in elevating a once-respected player to God status.. I "sees" a personal vendetta hostile takeover, berating and slandering dissenters till they're ruined or quit the game ...when of course these things are not really happening. Yeah, right, I'm Don Quixote.

One reader dropped a basic comment of support:
Cold Hearted Snake Day 997, 18:28
Custer has been a fine Congressperson for the Great State of Oklahoma. I know him to honest and forth right and I support him now as I did in Oklahoma against glodos.
Paladn Day 997, 19:00
^I wonder why he's in California.
Just a lame, pointless dig, of no consequence except as an example of the shit-flinging tactic.
It's US Cavalry orders. I'll be back in Oklahoma for the Congressional election, then back to wherever my Orders direct me to be.

This one's a bit out of sequence but I wanted to address it separately:
Nicholas Ryan Day 997, 03:03
"Why someone else would want to destroy it simply to tick you off just shows what kind of immature little p****s you are forced to deal with in your daily support of the eAmerican soldier." See, now what's interesting because when I was in the military, no one ever gave me shit for it and I left because I was sick of being associated with people who can't form a coherent thought. I'm a bit curious thought... what exactly DOES Custard do in his Daily Support of the eAmerican soldier? Besides talk about his support of the eAmerican soldier? Because I hear Custard talk a lot and I hear Custard blame S.E.E.S. for everything known to man and I hear Custard promote himself (literally and figuratively) but I never hear Custard really did anything?
And this related Comment:
Darth Sisyphus Day 997, 14:58
Wait so this party is basically supporting a Military take-over of government? God am I glad I stay away from politics
Saying that I "blame S.E.E.S. for everything known to man" is simply not true.
But such quips unanswered may be taken as truth, and that's the tactic.. an overwhelming volume of slander and personal attacks, unanswered looks true, or answered just "feeds the trolls" and invites another wave of overwhelming attack.
Any player's reasons for leaving the regular Military in favor of a Militia are their own. Militias just suit some people better. I've learned that the Militias, particularly the S.E.E.S. Militia, deliver serious battlefield damage, and within a week of my first term in Congress I completely ceased my own opposition to Congressional Budget funding for them. In fact, I have supported protecting their allotments, even increasing them based on their efficiency and effectiveness.
The AMP is, as I have stated, non-partisan, and its Mission Statement appears in every edition of this paper. The longstanding feud between Congress and the Military is counterproductive and demoralizing to all Americans and must end. A great factor in that adversarial relationship between two branches of our Government is under-representation of the Military in Congress; the AMP seeks to develop a more fairly representational Congress by assisting more Soldiers to become Congressmen.
The AMP contributes gold and runs Ads for Soldiers who we endorse for Congress, I help them with their newspaper articles, and help them find voters. Last month we supported two successful campaigns of Soldiers not in the AMP, in addition to placing two of our own in Congress.

All that mess was just from my Thursday/Friday piece in which I announced my candidacy for Party President. Let's join Mr. Peabody and his boy, Sherman, and use the Wayback Machine to see what's in a few recent articles before that.

Matthew Smith The awesomeness Day 991, 14:25
so you created a new article telling us to read your previous article? How pathetic.
George Armstrong Custer Day 991, 14:28
you didn't get a clue from the title, and just pass it by..? how pathetic.
Matthew is my opponent, he brings maturity and respect to the office of Party President.

gagah Day 990, 14:41
I disapprove of what you have to say, and I'll exercise my right to argue with you until you shut the hell up. Nice double talk there, Custer. Just keep acting like you have more of a right to free speech than the people you disagree with, and you'll be golden.
There it is... "argue with you until you shut the hell up." My point is made.
The simple message of that article was in the opening lines: "eRep FAIL is not the only thing chasing players from the game. I've called it bullying, the response was 'wahhh! wahhh!', so you see what we're dealing with, here."
But the assault in the Comments focused on the phrase "Freedom of Speech" as if all that means is anyone can say what they want, ignoring my point-- and proving it at the same time-- that overly aggressive trolling is intimidating and suppresses free speech.

I wrote a piece to urge Americans vote in the Primary, then to go to Croatia and vote there. One reader Commented on something not referenced in the article (a light personal jab), I responded, and then came the heavy personal attack:
rainy sunday Day 986, 18:14
lol, Custer, you're a hoot. Now go lurk Congress boards so you don't miss another vote. I promise, JDR's confirmation vote issue was NOT a conspiracy hatched to foil you.
George Armstrong Custer Day 986, 19:00
(my remark to SVV deleted here) and Rainy, I hadn't brought a word of that out in public, but since you have... my complaint was about a Vote thread being closed before the 24-hour period. I don't want to be marked down in any record as having not participated in a Vote, even if I come to the thread after the number has been reached to Pass or Fail, it's still my right and responsibility to make my mark for the record and should be allowed the full amount of time to do so.
Henry Arundel Day 986, 19:54
Custer, quit bitching, if it took you almost 24 hours to see that thread, then you're not giving the level of service you claim, and if you were waiting to vote til the outcome was decided, you're a coward. Either way - QUIT BITCHING. Also, this is a bad endorsement. It's awesome that you'd hold someone's party against them, rather than evaluating their service record. Maybe you're still butthurt over your discharge.
This exchange continued, but what I'm covering in this article is illustrated in these included Comments.
First of all, my endorsement for POTUS in that article was not for his candidate, so that's "a bad endorsement. It's awesome that you'd hold someone's party against them, rather than evaluating their service record." My not endorsing Krems was not based on his Party membership, but on a personal bad experience I had with him. My endorsing Fionia was based on my long association with the USWP and sense that her mindset and experience would make her the better choice. My opinion, my endorsement, I thought I was allowed that.
"'re a coward." What part of consistently expressing my opinion and defending not only my own right to do so but that of all Americans, in the face of overwhelming opposition is cowardice? Check the mirror, Young Henry.
But what I'd really like to point out is the last remark, here, "Maybe you're still butthurt over your discharge." He's talking outta his ass, here, just throwing shit because that's how he works. I was never discharged from the Military-- I resigned from the USArmy after eleven months and earning every bit of my Major General's rank, I received an Honorable Discharge. I had been offered a killer job to stay, I chose to leave, and have maintained excellent relations with my former fellow officers and troops to this day.
This snotty remark was without basis in fact, it was slander designed to defame me.

It goes on.. it makes me sick.
My point is... in case it got lost in the mud.. that my opponent and his supporters have and continue to employ dirty tactics.
I play a clean game. I'm straightforward. People don't have to agree with me-- y'all are welcome to stop reading my paper, and certainly to voice your opposition to my opinions if you choose to read it. But name calling and slander are bullshit, and I'll call you on it.
I run a simple Political Party and I am dedicated to its cause with or without a Party to use as a platform for my efforts. Vote for me to continue on as AMP Party President, or vote for Matthew or for alec.
But know who you're voting for. Know how they act, how they play the game. Vote smart.

I'll fire one shot in return, also using my opponent's Party's own ammunition:

Only one Party in RL history referred to their leader as Der Fuhrer.
Only one Party in eRepublik refers to its leader as Der Fuhrer.
If this is what you want, you're welcome to it. Join the SS and Heil Der Fuhrer.
Be sure to tell your grandparents and teachers so they can be proud of you.

Matthew Smith The awesomeness' AMP Party President campaign article.
If you liked "GLaDOS is the BOMB for Oklahoma~," you'll love this!

Late Edit: I went to get on IRC, set up to join #eus-kongress, the semi-secret Congress room, and got this notice:
You are banned from the channel #eus-kongress
Saturday afternoon UPDATE:
I've learned that GF had the only "owner access" to that room, Congress has reverted to their original semi-secret IRC channel, and I do have access. Thanks, CivilAnarchy, for the heads up!

George Armstrong "F-Bomb" Custer
USCongressman, Oklahoma (2x)
Party President, American Military Party
US Cavalryman (Recruit Battalion!)
US National Guardsman, retired
Australian Drop Bear, retired
USArmy Major General, retired
(got a resume longer than your friggin' arm!)

The American Military Party
Dedicated to supporting our US Soldiers' interests in Government
by supporting US Soldiers' campaigns to Congress and the Presidency.

Join the American Military Party, or just contribute to help cover the Party's August campaign advertizing.