Constitutions and Taxes(COR)- Free Chinese to English Translations on Request

Day 1,001, 17:28 Published in North Korea New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(If you did not see this article yesterday, please vote:

It is Day 1001, the day after celebrations that everyone did not die horrible deaths due to an acopalypse. Before I continue, I would like to wish CiCi Li a wonderful birthday. 2-time parliament member and Party President of HKGOLDEN, the largest party in eChina and holder of 23% of the seats in our legislature.

Please visit these articles if you have not already to wish a happy birthday.



Today, eJapanese society has taken a morbid tone as the theme of death is prevalent within their media. Well-known eJapanese citizen Geno Garon has released a poem that speaks of eRepublik as an undead creature, 'a semblance of life, but the unmistakable mark of death.' Former President danyeo wrote First they came..., describing how the economic depression descended upon the eWorld has destroyed his Q5 food companies.

On a lighter note, Empress Day nominations continue for the people of eJapan to crown their next Empress. The multi creation from a few days ago has created an 'Indonesian PTO Party' led by Vietnamese-named Thinh Nguyen. He is not a favorite of the citizens within the nation as the comments state quite plainly.


Thank you Koreans for voting the last article as the top paper of the day. I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

Today is a quiet day in Korea. The only news of note is a suggestion from President Grease to perform emergency income tax and VAT reductions to protect the Korean economy against recession. Fears that companies will close and to begin funding for the reborn South Korean Guard
are requiring these changes in the economy to stimulate recovery from the V2 Change. Tariffs on everything but grain will be removed to allow foreign investment within those companies.


The most important event that has taken place today is from Shauny B, President of the Red Ghost Party, who has proposed a new forum for all citizens to congregate that the Great Fire Wall will not ban for Chinese people. Also, Mr. Shauny B has proposed a new Constitution to be created for the Corean state. We here at the East Asia Daily will update you on progress in that category.


Chinese translations of world history continued yesterday as the Panda's Horn, led by Press Director shawkcn and the most popular paper in eChina written by an eChinese and not a government paper(the Ministry of SinoDefense Paper has this honor), has translated an account of the Fourth World War based upon the Erepublik Wiki. Honours to former Presidents Saint William, The Samurai, deathdeity, and Haferkorn are produced at the end of the article, those presidents who sent eChina on the path it is on now. We at the East Asia Daily thank them for their service to the nation and to the people.

eChina Daily, published by President wangxiaoyall, has spoken about why the Central Bank remains unfunded to attempt to retake Liaoning provence from Serbia. The Central Bank remains low in funds and has decreased in the past 13 days. in response, the President has requested that the Parliament be harrassed if they fail to fund the military properly. Without funds, the Chinese Armed Forces cannot improve and upgrade their weapons and pay. The new manual food module is also discussed as housing and food prices have been affected by the change.


The Northern War:

The Northern War continued yesterday as the Canadian Armed Forces inflicted total defeat on the Royal Navy in all of the attacked regions. The British forces in the East Midlands were completely destroyed by The Crimson Order, an elite paramilitary group founded shortly after the fall of Ontario during the darkest days if WWIII for eCanada. In responce to this, a resistance was begun in the final conquered region of Norway, Immediately, Canadian military forces continued the assault in Wales and Eastern England. As of this writing, the UK retreated both regions and have begun counter-attacks in East of England and Scotland.


The Australian PTO government from Indonesia has been accused of a very dire crime by Cottus Arci, famous Australian and former President of that nation. Mr. Arci feels 'they are doing this deliberately, and it's for the purpose of utterly killing our active population.' The PTOers responce is summed as such:

You all keep saying about shame and honour. But none of you blame admin coz letting all multis and cheat still around. You all know about multis, EDEN did it, PHX did it, all country did it. But when it comes to your country lost, and then suddenly all of you become HYPOCRITE!. This is not about eGenocide, this is about accepting your lost. If you can't accept it, then i suggest to all of you. LEAVE!!!! We don't need any looser come around and keep saying about honour. IF YOU CAN'T STAND TO LOOSE!! LEAVE!!!!!!

Comment 43-46

Also, the PTO Government has finally attacked Indonesian territory through the Maluku Islands, retreating 3 hours in. Australians say that they retreated when it seemed that RL Australian forced were winning the battle. Indonesians scoff at this.


Argentina, conquerer of some Bolivian territory along with Peru, has suddenly boomed to the Top 5 in population in the past few days. Article after article pleading for the Admin's assistance has fallen on deal ears as it is assumed that the 'baby-boom' is actually a multi-boom of Polish bots. Fears of a successful PTO are possible to become reality.

Thank you

Marcos Arolia