Congressmen - what can you do for your country?

Day 1,010, 12:42 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hello everybody,

first of all - congratulations to all elected congressmen in India. It looks like NPF has done another good job and we are mostly free of suspicious members in the new congress. The overall votes decreased again, but this isn't a big surprise if you consider the major changes by 'Rising' erepublik...

I want to particularly adress all congressmen, because the most of you seems to be real eIndians and i assume you are interested in a prospering country. But interest isn't enough, you have to show actions.

Register at the Indian forum
One action is to register at the Indian forum, where you can communicate and participate in several activities. To join the forum will not only show to other players, that you are active congressmen, but allows us all to do a good job. This includes the absolut basic of discussions about proposals and setting the economic course of India, and also to be informed about the progress (or lack of progress) in internal and international affairs. To be blunt - an uninformed active congressman is even worse than a inactive congressman, because this means nothing else than being a hypocrite.

Be a paragon - Join the IAF
I know that the Indian Armed Forces are not in the best shape AND that we have still no wars. And i understand, that the motiation to join the IAF at the moment is very very small. But if you become aware of the changes we started since the last CP election, you will review this position. And as you join the army you will send a message to other players. A message about the rebuilding phase we're entering since a while. We have to be prepared and can't wait untill we face some maybe important battles. This would be a waste of time and we surely wasted more than enough.

Share your treasure - donate 2 gold to India
In other countries it is usual to donate a part of the gold you gained from your congressman treasuremaps to the state. It is both a sign of a good community and substantial support. I was told, that you already had this tradition, but stopped it, when the indian treasury was above 1.000 Gold.
But everything changes, so did the treasury. Due to the loss of access to our Indian Government Bank our country is broke, our financial abilities are crippled to insignificance. If you can overcome the resistance to give at least 2 gold away, we could gather 80 or even more gold. This is nearly one MPP. And a single active MPP would boost indian economy and community more than everything else. All efforts untill today has failed, because other nations didn't want to or simply couldn't afford the costs of an additional MPP.

Best regards
Iseutz, indian congressman and MoD

PS: And for the propaganda:

link to the artists page: Eniotna@devianart