Congressional Manifesto [June, 2010]

Day 946, 18:28 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

It's been quite awhile since I have written a congressional manifesto. Somewhere around two months now. But, here it goes again, I am back on the political scene! \o/

I am once again running for congress, this time in the region of Hesse. I have been a eLifetime citizen of Germany and member of Open Minded Germany. I've served in congress for five consecutive months, and as Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Konrad Neumann for two months, and one month as an adviser under President Letnix. I have served as an Ambassador to the United States of America for nine months, and Ambassador to Canada for eight months. I served one and a half terms as the Party President of OMG, my second term was cut short as I decided to resign (partially due to RL issues, mainly school) and pursue a military career in the Bundeswehr.

I have returned from deployment (still a member of the Bundeswehr, just back in Germany now) to run for congress once more. I'm an experienced and active player and politician, I've been in congress before, and would be honored to be able to serve in congress again.

Once again, My Experience:

-5x Congressman
-2x Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs
-1x Adviser
-9 Months as Ambassador to the United States
-8 Months as Ambassador to Canada
-1.5x Party President of Open Minded Germany
-Bundeswehr Soldier (EK X FTW!!)

As you can see, I am an active and dedicated player. I'm not running for congress just to get another shiny medal, I am running to actually do work as a congressman. I would be very grateful to be allowed to serve the German people politically, once again.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Vote for Alex Drex! Vote for OMG!


Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier
-Congressional Candidate in Hesse

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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