Congress Report June-July 2013

Day 2,075, 09:54 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Pranata Kongres Indonesia

We are eIndonesia congress,
Elected by the people, to serve the people. We are the sound of citizens

Hail eIndonesia
Peace for all people eIndonesia,

Hola, buenos días por la tarde noche

Already one month since I was elected to Congress. and congratulations for members of congres period of July - August, 2013,

Here's eIndonesia Congress reports period June - July 2013:

During the this position, we have 24 proposals, both from the Congress itself, from the President, as well as from the alliance (MPP). Number of proposals received are as many as 22 proposals, and the proposal was rejected by 2.

Natural Enemy
One member of Congress could make decisions as NE China, here Proposals without coordination done by Almuharrom which was rejected by Congress.

Proposed Budget and Donate
Gov had filed a Proposed Budget to the Congress. But its still can be changed as needed. Draft Revenue can be tough here, and Congress agreed. Donate the first petition of Gov. YES approved by Congress, just donate the last request was not approved by Congress here because we lack of money to MPP alliance

Thus Accountability Report congress eIndonesia period June-July 2013. I thank you for all the performance of a Congressman without exception, as well as an apology for the deficiencies over the years.

These are the new Congress-members:

Golongan Kaskus 178 votos 26.97% (11 Congresistas)
1 Siberat
2 Ekrem Chehab
3 raepras
4 SilverF0X
5 Kucing Imut
6 Tea D Bombay
7 Lord Nimrod
8 Al hikmah khairi rizal
9 risang45champ
10 Hassan Al Banna
11 The Quenya

Partai Republik eIndonesia 152 votos 23.03% (9 Congresistas)
1 riansya
2 Arcelven
3 Canester
4 hendrawijaya
5 Alex Rival
6 versailles v1
7 Hyaken
8 UdudUpiAldiBaseuh
9 Izan Putra

Partai Kami Sama votos 20.30% (8 Congresistas)
1 akmalaputra
2 ujungselatan
3 Ex Diaz 3bz
4 rinhsna
5 ScimitarInd
6 Wisnu LA
7 walikotakendariJr
8 Lili Nugroho

PARTAI KOMUNIS e-INDONESIA 118 votos 17.88% (7 Congresistas)
1 imobil
2 betaFOX
3 xathria
4 Rupeshcool
5 bravo013
6 cutiechan
7 paktani

Front Pancasila 78 votos 11.82% (5 Congresistas)
1 Da Capo al fine
2 Hadi Saputro
3 F16.Fighter
4 kuple

Votos totales: 660

Meeting Invitation

DAY: Sunday
DATE: June'28 2013
AT: 6.30 Erepublik time - finished
Place : #ruangkongres
About : Congress cabinet handover + Accountability Reports by old congress chairman + Formation of the new congress.

To all Congress members for this month to attend our first meeting. Remember every decision must be through our joint decision, do not Propose / Vote before we make an agreement together. Communication is the key. It's not for you, it's not for me, but for us. For us as an Indonesian people. Loud voice, assertiveness, and our conscience to defend the right is needed for Indonesia progress.

ps. who have not had access to please come to #ruangkongres at inaugural meeting

The presence of associates gentlemen I thank you.
Hail eIndonesia

Best regards,

Head of Congress June-July 2013