Congress Candidacy

Day 1,130, 00:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

wow wow wow

We knew the next couple of weeks were going to be exciting but I would never have thought that an agreement between the senior leadership of the “True eSA’ers” and the successful PTO’ing group were possible !!!

It is to be expected to see fierce opposition to this agreement. And those that is not happy with the agreement will try and change or halt such a move, this is normal and we see this daily in politics. At some point we have to decide, are we doing what is in the best interest of eSouth Africa or are we pushing our own enmity we have. IF one has decided someone or a certain group is one’s “arch-enemy” does this cloud one’s judgement to that effect?

Should one not now try and see the positive, what good does this deal hold for eSouth Africa? This would mean the eSAAF can return home, and do what it was formed to do – defend our country. After months the country can now benefit from both factions taxes, one can start building the nation with one plan, not being pulled in 2 different directions.

I want to call this a government of mutual trust, and we are but in the infancy of this arrangement, the first steps will be a bit faltering, but soon enough if all goes well the infant child will be running non-stop. Just think what can be accomplished by simply working together. We do every day of our lives work with people we do not particularly like, but we do this as there is a common goal.

Now the reason for this article, I am planning to run for congress. This would be my first time and is very excited purely to be part of this process of transition we are going through. Why should you vote for me? Many would very quickly point out that I have no experience. Quite right, I do not have any experience BUT this is what the game have learned me! I do own a company, I understand the difficulties of balancing profit against productivity, even more so now with our countries economy very shaken up. I own a paper and understand the calls for “freedom of the press” and do support open frank but calm discussions, or opinions. I am a member of the PretorianGuard, 1/1 Centurions, and battle regularly, and understand the costs involved with battles and juggling food resources and the importance of having a well-oiled military machine.

What I see as important points to work towards: First our economy need to be stabilised, then implement growth strategy, maybe incentives is worth a look. Secondly our regions not under our control should be a priority, to become more productive and able to compete on the international market. Third leg, Military should be setup and geared toward creating high level combatants . And then finally the base of the pyramid, social interaction, Here we should create a culture of communicating, all of the 3 sides of the pyramid will not stay up if the base crumbles, currently the base is thin and there are many cracks, it will take work to build a base that would hold all our hopes and plans upright.

I call myself a moderate and simply want to work towards a positive future, wanting to be part of building eSouth Africa in to the best it can possibly be. Welcoming anyone who wants to work towards a brighter future. Most would have seen my posts and would know where I stand. Please vote for Rexdeus from the Christmas Party running in the Free State.


All have a very merry festive season !!!! (after voting for me 🙂 )

PS: Obviously if I am allowed to run for congress that is 🙂