Coming at Alabama!

Day 606, 12:32 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

I’m making my run for re-run for the Alabama seat!
I’m running under the CVP again.
(I’ll try to keep this short)

Why I Should Be Your Congressman

I don't rush to decisions. I listen to a few different aspects before making up my mind.(the following are only after fully understanding what exactly is being asked)
The most probable outcome, the least probable outcome, the most popular of the people/ congress, the least popular of the people/congress, what the "left" is saying, and what the "right" is saying. (meaning, what exactly each party is saying.) Only after all of those have been met, will I make a decision.

I'm also a very approachable person. I love to hear feedback, positive or negative! I think thats a necessary quality in those in the eCongress

My Stances (I’ll keep this as short as possible)

1.) Low taxes whenever applicable

2.) No peace with PEACE, ever. I want all regions in the US back, and in Canada. I’m absolutely furious with them. I’m fighting mad at the UK for backstabbing us as well.

“The individual who refuses to defend his rights when called by his Government, deserves to be a slave, and must be punished as an enemy of his country and friend to her foe.” -Andrew Jackson

3.) Because we are at war, and this war will be here for a long time, I have decided not to put all my other stances in this article. If you would like to see them, please see my original Alabama article.

What I’ve Accomplished as Senator

I’ve done my best to listen to the people of Alabama, and have tried to vote accordingly.

Due to Nation Security issues, I cannot tell you all the details of the following things I'm working on, but here they are:

1.) I'm in the process of creating a "Media Baron" to counter all the PEACE propoganda!
2.) I'm pushing for Resistance Wars to free any and all captured eUS regions
3.) Convinced the President to put a Q5 Defense System in Kansas--for $1 !

I still need time to finish these projects though! So I hope you will vote for me on the 25th!

And without futher ado--my endorsments!


"Newton has been very active in the Conservative Party and has great potential to being an excellent congressman. If you don't vote for Newton, you might as well had thrown your vote away" --Evry, 2 time Congressman for the state of Missouri. CVP council member. Member of the Military Committee.

"Newton has been very involved in politics since I first met him when he had just started playing. He follows every political move and makes very wise desicions." --DC (Dodgercatcher)

“Newton's shotgun marriage to Angie will provide him enough experience to click a vote button.”--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"Newton will stalk your forums until he knows where all of you live, and then the killings will begin o.o"--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"I like Joe Newton and the reason I like Joe Newton is because he only kicks other men in the balls when it's really necessary!"--Matt of W

"Joe Newton has taken an active role in the CVP, and I now believe it is time that he move his responsibility onto the higher stage. Newton's eagerness and vigilant responsibility makes him more than ready for the job. Help make the new CVP as great as it can be by trusting me when I say--vote for Joe Newton in Alabama June 25th!" --Mattoze5

If you have any more questions or comments or anything at all, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment of PM me of anything!
Don't forget to vote and subscribe!
Vote Joe Newton in Alabama on July 25th

Traditional Quote! (Family Guy again!)

Meg: Mom, Dad, am I ugly?
Lois: Oh, of course not, sweetie.
Peter: Yeah, where'd you get a stupid idea like that?
Meg: Craig Hoffman.
Peter: Craig H-Craig Hoffman said that? Well, he's a sharp kid; you might be ugly. [Meg cries and runs away]