CoI Production Summary 2021

Day 5,155, 04:50 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Production summary of the Daily order Program for 2021

Last years summary

Background : Captains of Industry operates a co-operative "slave pit" where employees earn a modest wage (currently 300cc) + 12 Q7s for each work performed. The Q7 factories are largely located in Northwest Territories, Canada although throughout the year some were also located in various other countries. The pits are backed by 60+ rubber plantations held by me and by another member all of which are in NWT. The program supports a Daily Order program where members of Captains of Industry are awarded Q7s based on the number of kills done + the number of Daily Orders completed. One must be a Canadian to receive weapons.

Funding:I've been involved in the co-operative pits starting on Sept 27, 2012 when I hosted my first worker, Mr. Rotondi, producing Q6s for Friday Fights. The plan was to self-fund the program. It worked for several years, and we used repurchase transactions (Repos) to help financially. A Repo transaction involves selling Q7s when game forces drive the cost up significantly and then rebuying them when the market forces drive prices back down. We had none this year. Q7 weapons dropped on the intro of always-available air rounds and Day 5000 event was an absolute bust. Q7 prices have largely stayed below 90cc with very little movement. I've used gold repos to generate some cash, but its nowhere near the weapon repo levels. I've been donating True Patriot rewards as needed.

Thanks are in order to the people who helped all this along. It is not a solo effort
Mary Chan - for donations of weapons (and also working the pits)
Santa Mann - for donations of weapons (and also working the pits)
ScottMo - for providing WRM (and working the pits)
Joey JoJo Shabadoo - for donations
Duder - for donations of weapons & cash upon his game retirement
Burlington Food Corp

Alright, lets see them numbers:

01/01/2021 tank balance....21,824
Employee pay..............(21,888 )
Gifts of tanks............14,846
Daily Order Rewards.......(31,766)
Total tanks at 12/31/2021...27,058

Absent the donations, tanks would have decreased by ~9,600

And the cash positions (rounded to the nearest $100)
01/01/2021 cc balance...........618,200
Gold repos (net).................53,300
Donations (others)............. 294,400
Donation of True Patriot cash...559,400
Work Tax........................(286,900)
Wages paid......................(634,500)
WRM purchase.....................(52,800)
Cash at 12/31/2021..............551,100

Without a decent repo action, we needed two big cash donations to keep us going.

Raw Material summary (rounded to nearest 10)
Amount at 01/01/2021.............2,950
Used in production.............(88,080)
Total at 12/31/2021................9,870

For the last eight months we've been net positive in WRM, mostly due to a nice WRM bonus (208% ) coupled with a not-so-great tank bonus (189% )

Work tax
We paid work taxes to a few countries over 2021 as different countries sat on NWT. (rounded to nearest $100)

A graph (because everyone likes a graph) of the Work Tax in NWT

During the two Turkey occupations we were not able to operate our NWT companies since we had an open war with Turkey.

The work tax in Canada has been 1% of the average salary all year, so the graph, at least from where Turkey left the second time, also shows the sudden growth in wages from the beginning of December. It looks like it might have peaked, but time will tell. Work tax ranged from a low of 15.65cc om March 31 to a high of 25.76cc on December 28.