Cheap Local Irons for Local Manufacturers

Day 968, 21:40 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

Introducing Sansae2's Iron Company. Local company. Employing local people. Empowering the armaments of the local force.

We provide the cheapest irons in the ePhilippines. We even beat those eSerbian iron companies located in Lioaning (area of high iron concentration).

We have a license in eFinland but we chose the ePhilippines because of its need and the overpowering imports from foreign companies.

Iron goes from $0.07 to $0.25. It will never exceed 25 cents forever, as long as Mindanao belongs to the ePhilippines.

We hope that we the high production of our iron mine (100+ iron a day), armament manufacturers using iron would have enough guns and tanks to defend the ePhilippines. We encourage iron buyers to sell in ePhilippines especially in times of need like wars and possible invasion of the whole country.