Change Has Come to the Canadian Social Democrats

Day 543, 19:12 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Members Of the Canadian Social Democrats

11 Votes, That's all that separated me from Dabman only 11 votes, The closest CSD in history.
This means a lot of people are divided, A Lot of people are unsure, Unsure of where they want their party to go. Unsure of who they want to lead their party into the future

I can assure I am that person.

To the 66 people who voted for Dabman, Who don't believe I am able to lead this party.
I hope to prove you all wrong, I can assure you I will do my best to kick some life back into this party. And steer this party into a brighter and better tomorrow.

To all those to voted for me, I extend to you my deepest gratitude. It was you who woke up and decided to change this party, Change this party for the better.
Words cannot express my thanks to all of you.

To Dabman, You've proven to me that you can run one hell of a campaign.
And the CSD is lucky to have a politician of your caliber.

To Augustus, You go home empty handed, but please except these wonderful door prizes.

To The Members of the CS😨

This is your time to shine, This is is as much your party as it is mine. I'm merely the one who will take the blame for the party.
No longer will the Party President and Veterans run this party, But everyone will. Whether you're Lvl 17 or Lvl 8 you will all have your say in this party. And on that note I encourage all members who are not joined on the forums please do so here:

So in conclusion I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote in the Party President Elections. You are exercising your right to help mold this Party into something we can all have faith in.
Change has finally come to the Canadian Social Democrats.

Thank You So Very Very Much

-Trenton Rendell
-Party President-