Champinator for Congress for a 6th Time in Limpopo!!!

Day 944, 20:27 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

Hello, my name is Champinator, and I intend to run for Congress in the South African region of Limpopo. If I make it into Congress this will be my 6th time. That is a very outstanding achievement in this eWorld. Now in order to vote for me you will have to look in Freedom Alliance. The NPSA isn't a Top 5 party yet, thus I have to temporarily join a different party to run for Congress. I have already been approved by the FA Party President, Michael Dell, and my fellow NPSA members. Now lets move onto what I want to do this upcoming term and some of my qualifications.

First I will give you a little autobiography so you know who I am:
Born Day 627 in Ohio, USA
A couple weeks later I moved to eSA with Travis Granger
5x Congressman, all in eSA. My first 3 times were in Limpopo.
Ambassador to Venezuela and Canada
Former Ambassador to Spain, South Korea, and Japan
Member of the Pretorian Guard
Former PP of the NPSA
Level 21
16.18 strength, 9.24 manufacturing, 1.5 land
6x Hard Worker, soon to be 7.
3x Super Soldier
Member of the Economic Council

Next, I'll finally get down to business:


The different wages between manufacturing and land are screwed up again. For a while they were fairly even. Now, however, manufacturing wages are decreasing greatly again and it needs to stop. As was proposed in the Economic Council, import taxes on manufactured goods should be increased to provide local companies a chance to compete with foreign companies and ultimately make a profit that will result in higher wages. Now this may result in more expensive goods but the increase shouldn't be to bad and it will be canceled out by the higher wages and then some.


eSA is still a relatively small country. We have some various programs to promote people joining eSA like the Ministry of Tourism, but ultimately it is Congress that needs to get things done. Congress votes on where money is to be spent, what new ministries and programs should be made, etc. While in Congress I hope to get eSA very well known and create a huge baby boom. The 2010 FIFA World Cup is a great tool to use. The whole world now knows of eSA and we can use this to our advantage. Soccer related ads and articles will increase the amount of eyes watching eSA. Then we can hit 'em with what eSA is all about after everyone is watching us. This is a fantastic chance that I wish to capitalize on while in Congress, since Congress is the group responsible for the monetary needs and installations of these programs and initiatives.

That is honestly all I have to say. The governmental structure is looking mighty sound with the new Acts and Procedures. eSA is in a pretty good state right now. I just hope you guys enjoy this article and vote for me on the 25th in Limpopo, where my political journey all started. If you need a moving ticket then just PM me. Remember: vote for Champinator!!!!