Centrelink - News and Competition part 2

Day 2,094, 10:04 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Oh my God he's done another bloody article!!! Yes, yes I have. In this one we feature the latest news, exciting new avatars and a new 10g...YES 10 GOLD competition for those who have been on the Centrelink scheme in either July or August 2013. In the next few days we will release our half term accounts covering supplies sent out and donations and we'll feature an interview with one of our Directors - Claire Louise. So lets kick this bad boy off shall we?

We if you are reading this on the 14th then you still have time to register yourself for the captaincy of your Military Unit and your party's Presidential elections. Obviously those elections take place at 00.00 on day 2,095 eRepublik time (August 15th to us normal people) so please take the time to vote and make sure your political party and military unit regiment are in safe hands.

Also you may have noticed we are pushing Indonesia hard to regain the initiative and return our regions back to Australian control. Push hard, fight, shout and keep an eye out for Government articles that feature very important news on supplies and battle orders. Together with our allies at ACT/TWO we will stand strong.

Centrelink is a scheme set up by YOUR Government to help all new and young eAustralian players in eRepublik and has no political ties to any political party. Centrelink is 100% neutral. Towards the bottom of this article are a set of tasks which are very simple and basic, each task completed will get you a very generous reward. These rewards are designed to encourage you to become part of the eAustralian community and help you through the first tough days of eRepublik. So read the rest of this article, scroll down and look at the tasks and get those free goodies...

I was bored...so sue me! Yep, new players have a standard boring avatar. Some get new ones from the military unit they join and some get theirs from the lucky political party they join. So in the meantime if you would like an avatar like those examples I have featured below, then just PM Dr Hugh Jardon and state which colour you want and what content or picture you want in it and we'll sort you one out. They are very basic but hell it beats having a boring old plain one created by the admins while you are finding your feet in the game, and please remember these aren't a mandatory part of being in the Centrelink scheme

Yep, your kind Directors (and a kind 5gold donation from WyvernJack) are handing out a 10gold from our own pockets to the lucky winner picked randomly from all those who enter. To enter send a PM to my fellow Director Claire-Louise saying ''ENTER ME NOW!''. We strongly recommend that you save this prize money towards any training ground offers that will be launched by eRepublik in the near future. Again we repeat that this prize money is not from the Centrelink donation fund or from the Governments Centrelink budget. Participants MUST have been on the Centrelink scheme between July and August 2013.

*Again a huge thank you to WyvernJack for increasing the prize from 5g to 10g.

The below tasks are designed to help new players to eAustralia and if you complete any of these tasks then PM the Directors (listed below) and you will receive 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 tanks for each task completed. These have been updated to include new tasks, but please...PLEASE...remember that we can only currently reward you when you have signed up to the eAustralian forums. A link to the forums is included in one of the tasks - task 5, and you will also get a reward for doing just that. Posting on the forums is down to you but while we are under a PTO threat we want to make sure the supplies we send go to legal and worthy accounts. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Task 1 - Join the Australian Defence Force or any Military Unit - There are many benefits from joining a MU including doing your daily orders set by the MU. These reward you with a 100energy health bar and a bazooka to be used when you are a higher strength but for now they will be stockpiled in your storage.

Task 2 - Join a political party. Playing a part in the political side is an option open to you but if you wish to represent your country in eAustralian senate then you have to be a part of a political party. It also will open up doors to parts of our community you may miss otherwise. Parties can be found HERE

Task 3 - Reach level 15, once you've reached level 15, contact Director of Centrelink Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise and we will send you your rewards each time you inform us you have completed another task.

Task 4 - Reach level 20, again PM the people above (Task 3) for rewards.

Task 5 - Register on the eAustralian Forums and play a part in our growing community and you will meet many friendly people who are always willing to help you.

Task 6 - Once registered on the eAustralian Forums join the Australian Defence Force section. This way you can receive even more supplies and better get to know your fellow Aussies, just ask on the forums for access and it shall be granted. You might prefer to click the sexy graphic right here instead -

Task 7 - Complete 10 forum posts and include a link or a screenshot of your profile to either Centrelink Directors. The threads you post in are down to your discretion.

Task 8 - Get on IRC and speak with current Country President Flatty or Minister for Education Saiwun...don't worry they don't bite and were new players once as well.

Task 9 - Earn your first True Patriot medal. You get these by completing a certain amount of damage for your country of citizenship - eAustralia and the game will also reward you with 5 gold automatically for achieving this. With us liberating our homeland this is the perfect time to fight for eAustralia.

Task 10 - Earn 100 strength points through training each day. Remember to check your profile occasionally so you can receive your deserved reward for reaching this milestone.

Task 11 - Reach the in-game rank of Sergeant. By fighting in your Military Unit you will soon reach this rank and reap the rewards.

Task 12 - Upgrade your free training ground at least once. Strength equals damage, which leads to XP...and it is free to train. Every experienced player will tell you this is the best way to spend and invest your gold.

Task 13 - Achieve your first hard worker medal, you get a hard worker medal for working 30 days and the game mechanics itself notifies you when you have done this as well as rewards you with 5 gold...so it is win/win.

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.