Bossman News #1

Day 2,135, 01:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

My friends(cause you must all be my friends if you work for me). Bossman made a gamble in hiring you. It was based on the food prize which was at that time driven by the increased energy available to players which from today has fizzled out.

Bossman will therefore fire all non cleric members.

Too explain when I hired you the prize was at 0.35 IEP per 1 Q1 Food. So using your production of FRM i could make 300 Food or 105 IEP per worker. I could actually buy it as well but decided to be charitable instead. However the food prizes have fizzled out and will simmer down to its normal low end which means in this time we must buy as much food as possible for the next competition which may or may not be next month.

When food goes down to 0.06 IEP per Q1 food we must buy in the region of 100000 Food. Which means more storage etc etc. That will give us eventually a 0.20 - 0.06 = 0.14 cent profit per food unit or @100000 = 14000 IEP or 68 GOLD profit. Initial investment required : 6000 IEP which you can spread over days.

Of course this economic forecasting can be applied in smaller scale but 68 Gold is a nice chunk of change so I will personally shoot in that region.

So in short besides the advise : You must be-
1. A cleric with cleric avatar and belief system.
2. My friend( which used to give me a bonus).
3. Enter in a commune based work system with me which will involve you get 90% of your production as well as a percentage[to be calculated still) of my income .



ok I will give everyone that is infected(INSERT APPROPRIATE LAUGHTER AT BOSSMAN'S JOKE) a chance to make other arrangements.